Well Known Member
Hi all,

New to the forum and seriously considering the RV14 as my first build. Have ordered the plans (and looked at all the plans updates on van's site) and it seems doable.

No real metalworking experience, so would like to start with a toolbox or something, but for this i need tools!

Seems there are a few suppliers, but hoping anyone can share their experience of purchasing tools from the US to Australia, and i am tipping shipping is a killer.

Any company better than any other? Any tools to avoid, or any essentials (the DRDT2 seems a must, but a pneumatic squeezer i am not sure about).

Any tips on the most cost efficient method for getting money to the US (don't want to use a credit card), or best shipping method?

Thanks all - as i said, first timer so assume nothing! :)
Tools and costs


Firstly, welcome. And you can do it no probs. It is just consistency... Van's plans are top notch. Take your time, ask questions if uncertain and before long, you will have a plane.

OZFOREX is good for large payments. Can reduce the cost of transfer.

Shipping is a killer.... you can't really win there, however SAAA now has access to a shipping service provider...

For the large kit shipments, you cant go past Christine from C&H Shipping.

My opinion, the pneumatic squeezer is a must. Works for the rivets and the dimpling. If you don't want it after build, sell it. But IMHO well worth it. I have the DRDT2 and also think is a must.

Make sure you get enough clecko's.

And if any questions, please drop me a line. I am in Melbourne, aircraft (RV-10) located at Bacchus Marsh.

That's great, Andrew.

Thanks for the advice. I was hoping to find someone local who had finished a project and wanted to sell their tools, but i guess people become attached to them at the end! Seems there is almost never any on any of the popular sites.
Tools and costs


Firstly, welcome. And you can do it no probs. It is just consistency... Van's plans are top notch. Take your time, ask questions if uncertain and before long, you will have a plane.

OZFOREX is good for large payments. Can reduce the cost of transfer.

Shipping is a killer.... you can't really win there, however SAAA now has access to a shipping service provider...

For the large kit shipments, you cant go past Christine from C&H Shipping.

My opinion, the pneumatic squeezer is a must. Works for the rivets and the dimpling. If you don't want it after build, sell it. But IMHO well worth it. I have the DRDT2 and also think is a must.

Make sure you get enough clecko's.

And if any questions, please drop me a line. I am in Melbourne, aircraft (RV-10) located at Bacchus Marsh.

I bought tools from :

Shipping was simple enough, nothing that money can't fix.... No matter what you do there will be times when you place an order and then a week later need another small part/tool sent. it helps to have others around you also building to share shiping.

I did damage an flaperon spar during building. Being about 3.5m long the shipping from vans was going to be a few hundred dollars. Someone else was getting a wing kit sent and so the spar went in their box...
I got mine from Cleaveland Tools. They were great to deal with. And they sent it in smaller packages to avoid (minimise) customs excise. Annette was very helpful.

I also got a DRDT2 from them. Only wanted the front end to avoid freight of the steel frame but they sent the whole thing. They forgot I only wanted the front end (and then asked if I wanted to send it back???) so it cost me a little more than I wanted.

There is a builder in Brisbane who wants to sell his tools. His username here is Aussieflyer. Send Alan a PM.
Hi Trent, which state are you building your 14? I'm in NSW, Mudgee, just about to put the wings on and do W&B. Don't have tools for sale but recommend at least two pairs of cleco pliers. I have two and are always losing them. These aircraft are great to build and very satisfying as you reach each milestone. There is an Aussie yahoo RV group for local stuff, very rarely used.
Thanks for all the replies.

Alan, I sent you an email.

I'm in Melbourne.

Cleveland tools do look pretty good - nice idea to send just the DRDT lever; making up a square frame shouldn't be too hard. Their tool tip videos are very interesting.
Planetools for my main tool kit

Hi Trent,
I purchased the planetools kit when I started building my 7 a couple of years ago.
I prefer the Cleveland dies for dimpling.
If you want to have a look at the gear, feel free to drop me a PM. I am in Frankston.
Angel Aircraft Tools

Hi Trent

I bought a riveting kit from Angel Aircraft Tools located in Queensland. See their website angelaircraft.com.au They don't have pricing on there, but it was cheaper than importing tools when I started building about 10 years ago and the exchange was around US72c to our $1. I still have all of the tools, except the hand riveter, which only broke this year. I built an RV7A with these tools and now have a friend building a Zenith CH750STOL with a lot of them too. They were good with spares if you needed anything (I bought a spare cutter for the hand deburring tool). Worth a look and you'll need to contact them for pricing and availability. The website doesn't make it easy to find stuff, just download the catalogue on the products page. The tool kits are in there.

Good luck with your tool purchase. Lots of your other tools will come from Bunnings.


Tools etc

G'day Trent,

I've bought tools from Brown and Cleaveland. Both are very good to deal with. Brown tools supplied my RV tool kit and packaged it in three separate consignments in order to minimise shipping costs which ended up being quite reasonable.

I also bought the DRDT2 front end kit and a friend of mine, Stu Hutchison, built the frame. He has frames available for reasonable cost built to OEM specs. Details available on his website here http://www.mykitlog.com/users/category.php?user=RockFLY&project=797&category=9983

I didn't get a pneumatic squeezer but I went for the Numatx hydro-pneumatic squeezer. This is a brilliant piece of kit with many advantages over the pneumatic squeezers. Probably my favourite tool.

As mentioned in other posts OFX is the way to go for best exchange rates when transferring money.


Hi Trent

I bought a riveting kit from Angel Aircraft Tools located in Queensland. See their website angelaircraft.com.au

Hi Wayne, thanks for this. I assumed they just ordered on your behalf out of the states. But if they are a local supplier I will have a look.

Thanks to Alan for the good chat today.

Seems some good votes for Cleveland.

Thanks Ian for the link. I figured shipping a block of steel from the US was not very smart - makes sense to have it made here. Didn't know there was someone who did it professionally, so thanks for the link.