
Well Known Member
I am beginning to wonder just how complete these pre packaged took kits really are. Just had to get started, so clamped up the V Stab spar, drilled a couple of holes, then reached for the 3/16 bit for the next hole as called for in the plans. Hmmm, none that size, just numbered bits. Came in to the computer, finally found a conversion from numbered bits to fractional sizes - and there IS NO numbered bit of 3/16 size. No problem, I went to Avery, then Isham, then Cleveland to see if they had a 3/16 but in their sets, nope, none do.
Not a big problem, I DO have a 3/16 bit, but I was wondering if this is typical of these model specific tool kits, or are they just a bunch of higher priced tools to be sold in a group. I wonder what else is missing:mad:
I am beginning to wonder just how complete these pre packaged took kits really are. Just had to get started, so clamped up the V Stab spar, drilled a couple of holes, then reached for the 3/16 bit for the next hole as called for in the plans. Hmmm, none that size, just numbered bits. Came in to the computer, finally found a conversion from numbered bits to fractional sizes - and there IS NO numbered bit of 3/16 size. No problem, I went to Avery, then Isham, then Cleveland to see if they had a 3/16 but in their sets, nope, none do.
Not a big problem, I DO have a 3/16 bit, but I was wondering if this is typical of these model specific tool kits, or are they just a bunch of higher priced tools to be sold in a group. I wonder what else is missing:mad:

Step 07: Match-Drill #12 the 3/16" holes of the VS-1203 Rear Spar into the VS-1212A-R and VS-1212B-R Upper and Lower Spar Caps.
Remove the spar caps, deburr the holes and clear away any chips.

is this the note your talking about

Match drill with # 12 Drill
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misinterpreting the plans

After reading your post again, it appears that you are misinterpreting the plans. According to the step that Joe Dallas quoted, you are supposed to drill through a 3/16" hole with a number 12 bit, thus enlarging it slightly.
The terminology in the plans does take some getting used to. Sometimes I had to read a step over a few times before understanding it. It also helps to read ahead to get the big picture.
Avery tool kit has all drill bits... so far

After going through the empennage, tail cone and wing kits, I always found the bits called for by the instructions in my Avery tool kit. Only exception was the drilling/countersinking of the landing light where I took the closest match in the countersinking kit resulting in lousy countersinks.
Just FWIW... as there are also tools missing in the Avery Kit as well as in the official VANs list but this is another story :)
Isham tool kit

Finished the empenage and just starting on the fuselage, ahead of the wings. So far, everything needed for the build has been covered in the Isham toolkit. I've added an extra countersink cage to make life easier, and a set of assorted needle files for deburring in tight corners, but that's about it.
Learning and understanding the terminology has been a real drill today, getting better, but entirely missed what was being said. The illustration states or shows 3/16 holes in the nutplate center holes. I just did not read it carefully enough, now I get to ream them out with a nr 12. Thanks guys, been a long day, my error. And I was so proud I had 15 brand new 3/16 bits I wanted to use!.

After reading your post again, it appears that you are misinterpreting the plans. According to the step that Joe Dallas quoted, you are supposed to drill through a 3/16" hole with a number 12 bit, thus enlarging it slightly.
The terminology in the plans does take some getting used to. Sometimes I had to read a step over a few times before understanding it. It also helps to read ahead to get the big picture.