
Well Known Member
I just bought a QB6 project that the prior owner had barely done any work on.
I've never built before, so am without RV specific tools. I'm contemplating the RV kit from Cleaveland.
Question: is that overkill for a QB? Are there things in there I won't need given the major structures and control surfaces were already done.

Please advise.

I didn't think there was a QB 6?

You'll want them all and then you'll get more anyways.
I think the PlaneTools kits are slightly different for regular and QBs, for some models. But the differences are small, like # of Clecos and such.
Just list out & evaluate what is in each kit. Go for the kit that you think offers best value.
Know that they are starter kits, and that you will be adding to your tool collection as you progress through the project.
I have never heard a builder complain that they had too many tools!
Never too many tools

I started with an extended kit from Cleveland that was quite comprehensive.
Then I added, added, added, and added...
Heck I'm just about to have the final inspection done and I bought some tools lately... !!!:eek:
Thanks. Do you recommend PlaneTools over Cleaveland?

Both have excellent reviews on this forum. At the time I purchased my set, I think Planetools was a little cheaper or a little quicker, or maybe it was the cheaper QB optional set. I don't remember why. As I recall, it was basically a toss up and something small made me pick planetools. Both are excellent and you can't go wrong either way.
Thanks everyone.
Checking PlaneTools I see the QB toolkit just has fewer clecos saving $70. Otherwise it's the same set of tools.
Guess I'll be buying the whole kit.