
Active Member

I've been reading these forums for a few weeks, but didn't join until today.

I went to the southwest EAA fly in over the weekend and got a demo ride in Van's RV-10. That was the first RV I've ever been in and it was impressive. Seems like everything I've been wanting in a plane (except pressurization) for a great price.

I've read here that you shouldn't bring your checkbook when you get a demo ride, so I purposely left it at home. What wasn't mentioned was that you shouldn't bring credit cards either! :D

Needless to say, after the demo I ordered the tail kit. This will be my first time building an airplane or even using a rivet! Hope I don't screw anything up!

Oklahoma City area
I bought my RV-10 kit at Sun 'n fun this April (Van does take credit cards). the empennage came very fast.

Here are my recommendations:

? Look at the RV tool kit from Avery. I love mine. (Almost 3k but it's worth it).

? Immediately call Van and order the "Toolbox practice kit". You will need something to mess up before you really start. I took an EAA weekend rivet course last year and it was invaluable, but at least do the toolbox.

? Read between the lines on the plans!!! Also read ahead a couple of pages. My very first mistake was my very first drill. I didn't pay attention to "web" versus "flange". I've got a few rivets that have 'slightly' bigger heads because of it....

? It actually goes quite fast.

What's your number?

Eric, what is your builder number (IE how many RV10's has Vans sold).

Smart man!

Hi Eric and welcome to the 'club'. You made a seriously smart move! I suffer from RV withdrawal when I'm not in it and flying because these airplanes just do everything so well! I've flown ag for 36 years now and log around 400 hours a year in a turbine Air Tractor and it flies like a pig in comparison but it pays the bills and buys the RV.

Have you considered doing a one week school where you build the empennage under supervision? You'll learn most of the metalworking/alumi-work skills you'll need to build the airplane,

Hi Eric,,,

I too was bitten by the bug about a month ago. Waiting for delivery of my tail kit,, and starting today on the 2 practice projects. I can't wait.

Bought my tool kit at Planetools (they advertise on this site) and loved the price, service and the tools...

Good luck


Welcome Eric!
Someone told me a while back.."you're not building a watch, you're building an airplane". Still, the learning curve is quite steep. :eek:

I live in OKC. I'm working on the wings for my -10. Give me a call 799-6049 at home or my cell at 417-6077. I wouldn't spend the money for the weekend building courses. We have 3 RV's in the building stage & 2 flying on the airport that I live on (Twin Lakes). The 2 flying RVs, a 9A & a 7A are in my hanger as well as my -10. Give me a call if you want hands on experience. :)

Marshall Alexander
RV10 wings-flaps
RV10Man said:
I live in OKC. I'm working on the wings for my -10. Give me a call 799-6049 at home or my cell at 417-6077. I wouldn't spend the money for the weekend building courses. We have 3 RV's in the building stage & 2 flying on the airport that I live on (Twin Lakes). The 2 flying RVs, a 9A & a 7A are in my hanger as well as my -10. Give me a call if you want hands on experience. :)

Marshall Alexander
RV10 wings-flaps

Sweeeet! I'll definitely be taking you up on that.

Twin Lakes? Is that up by Guthrie? We have a hangar in Tuttle (just south of OKC)
etekberg said:
Sweeeet! I'll definitely be taking you up on that.

Twin Lakes? Is that up by Guthrie? We have a hangar in Tuttle (just south of OKC)
Is your dad's name Ted? If so, I am on your airport (Thompson). I am hangered across the runway east. I am building on a 9A at my house 2 miles north of Thompson. Ted told me he and his son were going to be starting on a 10 soon.

I have been to Marshal's hanger. They have a great set up over there. In fact his brother Mitch gave me my first (and only) ride in his RV9A before I made the plunge to buy my kit.

I told Ted last week that you guys should come over sometime. Give me a call at 381-9387 (H) or 822-0621 (C). In fact I would love to have a fellow RV builder as a bucking partner. I am always looking for an interested party to help with those rivets.
another 10 in OKC


I also have a 10 under construction in Midwest city. I an currently putting the ailerons together. If you want to see / help give me a call at 405-769-9135

Eric Gohr
Twin Lakes

Twin Lakes is 2OK2. We're 6 1/2 miles SE of Tinker.
I went to Ponca City yesterday for breakfast & John Nys was ther from Tulsa with another RV10 he's built for someone else. He was taking a couple of guys up for a ride & had an empty seat, so guess who filled it. :) It was a great ride & he handles the plane so good. He said it was really kind of slow because it only has a 235 hp engine. But it still jumped off the ground in probably 300-400 ft. with 4 men aboard. This was only the 2nd RV10 ride I'd had.
I started on my flaps this morning. :D

Marshall Alexander
RV10 wings/flaps
RVbySDI said:
Is your dad's name Ted? If so, I am on your airport (Thompson). I am hangered across the runway east. I am building on a 9A at my house 2 miles north of Thompson. Ted told me he and his son were going to be starting on a 10 soon.

I have been to Marshal's hanger. They have a great set up over there. In fact his brother Mitch gave me my first (and only) ride in his RV9A before I made the plunge to buy my kit.

I told Ted last week that you guys should come over sometime. Give me a call at 381-9387 (H) or 822-0621 (C). In fact I would love to have a fellow RV builder as a bucking partner. I am always looking for an interested party to help with those rivets.

Yup, that's me. It's amazing to me that there is such a large RV community out there. I can't wait to get started building.