Aden Rich

Well Known Member
Went ahead and ordered the fuselage kit for my RV-6 that I am building. Not too often parts are offered @ 25% off. Basically, with the discount it paid for all the fuselage options of dual brakes, elect flaps, trim, ...ect. Even in hard times like we face today it's a hard deal to pass up.


You'll be back in a six in no time. Did you ever finish the rocket you were building?

8A finishing, FWF
Wait a minute - I'm missing something - what's the story with the discount? I'm almost ready to order my fuse kit for my 9A, I'll pull the trigger today if there is a decent discount....
Wait a minute - I'm missing something - what's the story with the discount? I'm almost ready to order my fuse kit for my 9A, I'll pull the trigger today if there is a decent discount....
The discount is only for the -6. Van's wants to batch manufacture the the -6 kits and has offered a discount on the -6 fuselage only.
The discount is only for the -6. Van's wants to batch manufacture the the -6 kits and has offered a discount on the -6 fuselage only.


Oh well - at least SOMEBODY is going to get a good deal....

I think I'll go pour all my -3 and -3.5 rivets in a pile and sort them out again for a bit while I pout....

Oh well - at least SOMEBODY is going to get a good deal....

I think I'll go pour all my -3 and -3.5 rivets in a pile and sort them out again for a bit while I pout....

Just drop them on the floor, under your workbench. That will really help take your mind off the discount.
Way to go Aden

Good to see you making progress. I am sure it will turn out every bit as good as your last one.

As you know, the 6 is very expensive for Van's to manufacture in comparison to the new models. I would be surprised that they still are willing to produce them at all, but, they have yet to orphan any model, even the 3. I wonder how many hundreds of tail kits are squirreled away out there in attics and garages?
I thought the 6, 7, 9 all had the same fuselege. I thought it was tail and wings that made the difference.

Rick Maury
7 tail and wings done, fuselege in the works
I thought the 6, 7, 9 all had the same fuselege. I thought it was tail and wings that made the difference.

Rick Maury
7 tail and wings done, fuselege in the works

The spar section of the 6 fuse is quite a bit different than the 7 & 9's, as the spar goes all the way through, and meets in the middle.

L.Adamson --- RV6A

I had to sell my Rocket Kit when I lost my job due to cut backs and restructering of the company. I'm sure there are several people in these forums that know what that is like. I found a tail and wing kit untouched for a great deal so I bought them. I vowed that I would make my next 6 better than the last one (which was a 9/10 on my rating scale). I have purchased lots of new-used parts that have saved a ton of money. So far I am a little over the 50K mark and I have a brand new engine ECI 180+ hp, 300 hr BA prop, new avionics, 4-1 exhaust, SJ cowling/plenum, custom panel, larger tanks, heavier one piece wing skins ....ect. On my last project I was over 85K at this point. It goes to show you how much stuff has come down in price with the newer tech-especially the engines. I had 27K into my REBUILT engine. This was before all of the experimental stuff was out yet. Hopefully I can get this thing out the door for about 65K looking good and going faster than the last one by about 15mph if the speed mods work.

JonJay- I live about 3 miles from Sequim Valley airport. You should fly up sometime and vist. See if you can get Bill to go as well. I can't talk him off that RV-10 kit he's working on. Sequim is usually clear when everything else is socked in. That's why they call it the Blue Hole. How's the -3 project coming?

Talk with you soon.
We'll do it.

I have flown into Sequim. It is very nice. "Rain shadow of the Olympics". Have the stabs done on the 3 and that is about it. We will plan on a visit soon.