
Active Member
I just ordered my preview plans. I hope to get things in order to be able to start building next spring. Yahoo!

It's kinda like one of those little tiny deserts you get at the fancy restaurants.....................except this one is going to cost you about 75 grand. :eek:
Good show!

Good step. I would encourage you to start as soon as possible. Every day that you could be doing something gets you are one day closer to flying.

Can't wait to hear about your progress!

Glad for you, so far it has been a great experience for me, flying since I was 12, these are some really good airplanes. Still building my 8 but that too has been a pleasing experience.Good luck on your build and come here for help and advice.

Can't wait

I am really excited to get going - my delay is I need to build me a new garage before I can start a plane. That is the deal I made with my wife. As I will be paying all cash for this project - I realize it will take several years to complete, but that is part of the fun too. I figure, my 5 year old will be able to help me in the coming years and it will make a nice father son project. Here's hoping we keep all of our fingers and toes.
Hi Mike,

I wish you all the best !!!

I ordered the preview plans last November, then the empennage kit in Febuary, took all the month of March to figure out my tool needs and I just got them yesterday!!!

Now I'm in the organising phase of my garage, setting up the worktables, racks, tools etc...

This is all quite exiting, challenging and scary at the same time. I haven't drilled a hole or punched a rivet yet !!! :eek:

I hope to keep on going steadily over the years, my "guesstimate" being 5 -6 years before completion. (I still have a day/evening/night job...) :D

So good luck with your project !!!

I just ordered my preview plans. I hope to get things in order to be able to start building next spring. Yahoo!
Can you say Yahoo:eek: think its trademarked;)
Do you really have to wait a year.:(
If you do, there are still a number of things that you could work on as far as layout and other stuff that will slow you down later on when you are building...
My problem

The problem is -- that I am going to tear down my existing garage that was designed to fit a Model A (my house is old) and build a larger one. I will be paying cash for this construction project (and relandscaping) and for the new driveway. I figure that is gonna run me 10-15k right there, so while yes I could order the tail kit, and tools, and all that stuff, it would just be in the way, and I would have nowhere to store it for a while. Believe me - If it were up to me the tail kit would be on its way, but I have deal with my wife I need to honor.

I am horribly excited to get started though. I have a friend here at my local airport, that is getting his inspection done next weekend on his RV6.5. It is a mix of the 6 and 7. I am really excited to see a local RV fly, even with a pink cowl.

I order the preview plans on 04/05/2012 and got them at my house on 04/07/2012. Awesome customer service - really excited now.
Your Honor Counts More Than Your Satisfaction

The problem is -- that I am going to tear down my existing garage that was designed to fit a Model A (my house is old) and build a larger one. I will be paying cash for this construction project (and relandscaping) and for the new driveway. I figure that is gonna run me 10-15k right there, so while yes I could order the tail kit, and tools, and all that stuff, it would just be in the way, and I would have nowhere to store it for a while. Believe me - If it were up to me the tail kit would be on its way, but I have deal with my wife I need to honor.

I am horribly excited to get started though. I have a friend here at my local airport, that is getting his inspection done next weekend on his RV6.5. It is a mix of the 6 and 7. I am really excited to see a local RV fly, even with a pink cowl.

You have you priorities straight - never sacrifice your honor for pleasure satisfaction. When it gets done it gets done - it took Jeanine and I 8 years to complete ours and it was a life changing task.

Bob Axsom
Nothing wrong in waiting to get the workshop sorted before making a start. I've had my emp kit for 16 months and have purposely not started it as my workshop wasn't ready. As it happened, work and family life threw me some curve balls and I wouldn't have had any time to build anyway.

Research time before you start is free and isn't taking away from construction. Use it to discover other builder tricks to include in your project, and to focus your aircraft specification. It will save you time when you get building.

As it stands, is your workshop totally unsuitable for building in? Mine (8.5' x 16.5') will be on the very small side, and will require a very organised and tidy build, plus some creative thinking for those occasions when the wings or tail are on. No, not ideal, but the money to extend can be directed at the airplane instead.