
Well Known Member
Van's tooling machine was a little tough on my F-1036 Battery Channel (page 10-16). Even after some polishing from the 6" scotchbrite wheel, the grooves from the rollers are very evident--so much for the blue plastic protecting the aluminum. Anyway, I'm going to get new ones...these doesn't pass my quality control check ... just curious what you all thought? BTW, I can't find F-1036 (or any variation thereof) in 'the list' ... any ideas on the new part number? Thanks! -Jim

keywords: f-1036, f1036, 1036, battary, rv-10, rv10,
I wouldn't worry about it since they are just for the battery box. I'm sure it is difficult for them to bend that thick aluminum without getting marks.
They look fine -- wouldn't worry about it. If it really bothers you, you can file them down a little and then hit them with the 3M wheel and the marks will disappear.

As for the list, not every part is listed on it. All that means is you have to call and place the order vs. doing it online. Had the same problem when I needed to by a new rudder stop stricker plate, I called and they pulled it right up in their computer. :rolleyes:

HS in the cradles
the new ones

wont be any different and i doubt you could bend them with out tooling marks..they are very capable of doing the job.
Just wait until you get to some of the thicker parts further on. My wheel pant brackets were quite mangled by the tooling machine. All of your thicker aluminum parts will come with tooling marks.

RV-10 #40032
Thanks guys. I've already hit them with the 6" scotchbrite wheel and there were still pretty deep groves -- I guess deep is a relative term.

Here is Van's reply: "Part # is still F-1036, not all parts are on the weblist. Those parts do have tooling marks on them; it's thick material so it takes some force to bend it. If you can't remove them entirely, don't worry, just blend them out to remove and rough parts."

I guess I may flip/flop on this one--especially if the new parts are going to be the same. I'll polish up what I have the best I can... and then I'll fuh-ghet-uh-bowt and press on.

Thanks again.
