
Well Known Member
My OCD has now manifested itself in sorting things out, pretty much everything in the house and on the computer... including to-do items on the RV-9A.

The current count is:
* 9 -- things to flight test and to video, exploring corners of the (normal category) flight envelope, more data collection, etc.
* 10 -- avionics functions to get familiar with. Study the books, then go try in flight.
* 3 -- small wiring projects that are best done by an avionics shop
* 4 -- price checks for comparison shopping at AirVenture
* 11 -- things to fix, arrange, or install

All these things are in lists so that they don't fall through the cracks.

There's a part of me that wants to really know the airplane and the avionics, but with experimentals, you sometimes have to check yourself out in the airplane and go try the avionics.

There's a part of me that wants to really know the airplane and the avionics, but with experimentals, you sometimes have to check yourself out in the airplane and go try the avionics.
This is also my experience. If you have a side-by-side, you can get a safety pilot and play with the cockpit toys. In a tandem, not so easy.

What I do is carefully plan whatever testing I plan to do, get up to altitude and ask ATC to give me traffic alerts. Obviously I'm still responsible for see and avoid, but it helps a bit, since my head will be in the cockpit a bit more than usual. A safety pilot is best if you can make that happen.