
Well Known Member
Silly question but are there any special considerations to make when upgrading various panel instruments to glass while still having a backup regarding the plumbing of the pitot static lines? Is it possible to have too many things plumbed into the pitot line?

Specifically, we are planning to consolidate the altimeter ASI and VSI into a GRT sport EX, and leave the current ASI steam gauge as backup. We are also planning to add a G5 as backup attitude since is has its own battery but since it also has all the air data we would like to hook that up as well. By getting rid of the VSI and altimeter we are not adding any new static lines but we will have to add two new lines from the pitot...any issues to be expected here?

Silly question but are there any special considerations to make when upgrading various panel instruments to glass while still having a backup regarding the plumbing of the pitot static lines? Is it possible to have too many things plumbed into the pitot line?
Specifically, we are planning to consolidate the altimeter ASI and VSI into a GRT sport EX, and leave the current ASI steam gauge as backup. We are also planning to add a G5 as backup attitude since is has its own battery but since it also has all the air data we would like to hook that up as well. By getting rid of the VSI and altimeter we are not adding any new static lines but we will have to add two new lines from the pitot...any issues to be expected here?

No problem adding items to static system.