
The plans page 10-07 step 1 called for dimpling the #30 holes in the web of the bulkhead except as indicated in the figure. There are two holes that I don't think should have been dimpled though. In the picture you can see the two dimples behind the edges of the tie-down bracket that is keeping it from laying flush to the bulkhead. Anyone else run into this? Can I just flatten those dimples out?

I think I ended up "undimpling" those holes.....

I use a hand squeezer with two flat dies - don't recall if I called Vans on this one though. It's been more than two years
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Those two holes must be dimpled since you must have the flat portion on the backside in order to place the vertical stabilizer flat against this portion of the aft fuselage during assembly.

The solution is to mark the interference point on the tie-down and grind away the metal on the tie down bracket to allow for the dimpled skin. Just FYI, I am not the creator of this fix. Other threads have previously been posted on this topic with the solution.

Also, make sure you grind away enough metal to fit a flat squeezer edge in to squeeze the working end of the rivet

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Page mix up

I think you are mixing up the aircraft types with page numbers. The tail dragger (RV-14) is on page 10-06. The tri-gear (RV-14A) is on page 10-07. On page 10-08 figure 1 it clearly shows placing an AN426 rivet in those two holes for the tri-gear, which appears to be what Ron is building based upon his signature.
Thanks for the responses, guys.

If you look at 10-08, there are no rivets called out for those two holes. I can't find anything further into the plans that calls for anything to go in those holes. So, I'm not sure I need to modify the tie-down bracket. Instead i'll likely "un-dimple" them as Turner suggests. I shot an email to Van's support. I'll let you know what they say.


Personally, I believe that this is an oversight in the plans but we'll see what Van's says. My page 10-07 is Rev 1. I just got my kit from Van's this past November (2018). So I'd be surprised if they didn't provide the latest rev.

The really shocking thing is that the tie down bracket is where the tail spring mount is supposed to go.........
What's a tail spring? ;-)

Actually... looking forward in the plans, these holes appear to get drilled out for AN6 bolts in the tail dragger version on Page 10-28. See Fig 2.
Yes you are correct the A model is page 7. That must be why I dimpled them. However page 8 clearly shows no rivets go in those holes in either version.

Your right I misread it. Ah well, I put two rivets in them anyways.
Those two holes must be dimpled since you must have the flat portion on the backside in order to place the vertical stabilizer flat against this portion of the aft fuselage during assembly.

The solution is to mark the interference point on the tie-down and grind away the metal on the tie down bracket to allow for the dimpled skin. Just FYI, I am not the creator of this fix. Other threads have previously been posted on this topic with the solution.

Also, make sure you grind away enough metal to fit a flat squeezer edge in to squeeze the working end of the rivet


I did the same. ;)
For the tri-gear, I dimpled per the instructions; but undimpled because it was not needed. It is clearly a flaw in the directions. There I am almost done with the Empennage and it is clear that they give less instruction as you move on in the project.

For example, look at page 10-27 rev 1. You will see the F-01414 Deck calls for a few flush 426-3 dimples; however, the bulkhead flange under them was never called out to be dimpled. I think you have to assume, that you have to dimple the flange. I also notice a lot of rivets are too short.
Just wanted to close this out with the response from Van's support. They confirmed that these holes are not dimpled/riveted in the tri-gear version and recommended that I flatten them out and build on.
I just finished undimpling those 2 holes to get the tie down to lay flat by using the squeezer to make them flat again.

By the way note that you will come across 2 F1037A parts you will find that they don't go anywhere in the empennage. Thought I'd have 2 parts left over! Save them they are part of the bell crank assembly in the fuselage kit.
I just finished undimpling those 2 holes to get the tie down to lay flat by using the squeezer to make them flat again.

By the way note that you will come across 2 F1037A parts you will find that they don't go anywhere in the empennage. Thought I'd have 2 parts left over! Save them they are part of the bell crank assembly in the fuselage kit.

The two parts are called "battery angles" (but nowhere near the battery) and are used in the tailcone as part of the structure of the pitch control rods and pitch servo.
Do you have a page reference for the battery angles in the empennage kit? Van's referred me to the pages in the fuselage kit and mentioned the bell crank assembly.

I think you guys are talking about the same thing. Page 36-06 Step 5 of the Fuselage instructions is in the tail cone and working with the pitch control rods.
Yes - part of the bellcrank assembly - it is physically in the tailcone but part of the fuselage kit, and installed in section 36, page 06.