Very well done.

I am thinking he used a lot of up trim in the loop that he used both hands to dip the Oreo to keep it positive.
It is obvious that his airplane was flying by itself. Ron just ride it along. :D
Very cool video!!!!
Wonderful - but doesn't it make you wonder if there is an out-takes reel? :)

My thoughts exactly.

Makes me miss my 7A even more (it's at AircraftWraps). When I go get it next week, methinks I'll take some cookies. :cool:
So nice

What a pleasant surprise to find this video this morning.
Thank you James.:)
I challenged Ron to neg G barrel rolls while holding the cup of milk upside down, drinking through a straw. I expect he's working on that. :)

BTW, Ron finished 2nd (0.28% shy of 1st) in the IAC Northeast Regional Series in Sportsman, which ranks the highest scoring pilots who flew at least three contests in the season. Move up Ron!
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Out takes? What out takes???? :)

Wonderful - but doesn't it make you wonder if there is an out-takes reel? :)

Having flown with Ron (him in my plane and me in his plane) I suspect that there were NO "out takes". He's THAT GOOD. :)

And that "LAID BACK".

I challenged Ron to neg G barrel rolls while holding the cup of milk upside down, drinking through a straw. I expect he's working on that. :)

BTW, Ron finished 2nd (0.28% shy of 1st) in the IAC Northeast Regional Series in Sportsman, which ranks the highest scoring pilots who flew at least three contests in the season. Move up Ron!

Hey Eric, the season isn't over yet. I'll be going to Sebring this coming weekend. Bill McLean and Cody Zorn will be challenging competition. You should come!
Having flown with Ron (him in my plane and me in his plane) I suspect that there were NO "out takes". He's THAT GOOD. :)

And that "LAID BACK".


I believe you James! When he did his take off roll, there wasn't a single tail waggle, not even when the tail came up. That impressed me from the start of the first time I watched the video, even before I got to his five consecutive rolls!
And here I was expecting a chocolate chip cookie at the top of the loop....:D

Wish I could even do a loop or roll let alone something this good.

Bob Hoover would be proud of him. Remember the iced tea?

I remember the iced tea, IIRC it was a pitcher of tea being poured into a tall glass. The glass was on the floor of the Shrike and Hoover had the pitcher in his right hand and his left hand on the yoke, all at the inverted position in a barrel roll.
Thanks Joe!

I love seeing this old reel of Bob Hoover's antics. You have done a great job too, Ron, with your video.