
Well Known Member
Anybody know anything about the guy that is doing tonneau covers that Doug had on the front page the other day? I sent Russ an email the day it was on the front page, and haven't heard anything from him...

tonneau cover contact

The contact adderss that was in the original posting has an error. The correct address is (rmkeith at gwi dot net). Their is also good contact information on one of the cut sheets.

Sent an email last week to the address above...no reply. Still wanting info on the cover...

cjensen said:
Sent an email last week to the address above...no reply. Still wanting info on the cover...



I missed the page with the info your discussing here but DJ and Abby sell Tonneau covers too. :D

What is it about this vendor you liked? Something Special?
Yeah, if I can't get in contact with the guy that does the one that is the subject of this thread, I'll have Abby to it for me. She's gonna do my seats anyway...

The thing I like about this one, was that it is retractable, like a window shade.