
I belong to both camps... being VAF and
The event in the Nevada desert attracted over a hundred planes this sixth year of organization. It was a well organized and attended event on BLM land.
Characterized by flying, shooting, pumpkin dropping... all around fun.
The terrible misfortune Sunday at 8 am dampened spirits all around.
Tom's son, age 19 and a PPL trained by Tom is searching for answers and closure. He was not present at the Playa.
A second young pilot was lost in the mid air as well.
Families are grieving this week. I had just flown in to the remote strip from KMCC on Saturday, where the Cal Fire crew was suffering the loss of an S2T tanker pilot in Yosemite.
Another low level flight accident.
Let us all reflect on what we do, how we do it and what we care for.
Rest in peace gentlemen....