Aircraft Specialty

Well Known Member
Good afternoon everyone. I just wanted to give a quick update on what's going on with Tom.

He had an unexpected medical procedure over the weekend and is recovering and resting. His medical team, as well as I, have been trying to get him to keep off his phone as much as possible. He is in good spirits and will be back up and running soon. I know he misses talking to builders every day.

If anyone has been awaiting a response to an email from him, this is why it is a bit delayed.

[email protected] is fully monitored and emails to that address are being responded to with normal lead times.

Thank you for your understanding,
Best wishes to one of the most helpful and knowledgable people in the RV supplier world. Get well soon Tom!
Prayers Tom, for a quick recovery. Hoping you’re back in your feet soon and I look forward to working with you some day soon.

Thanks for the update, Steve. Please pass on our best wishes for a full and speedy recovery!
Hurry up, and take it easy!!!
Your value to “the community” can’t be measured!
Please be patient…..hope to see you at OSH ‘22

Mike Tippin
Get well soon Tom.
It’s always been such a pleasure to deal with Tom very helpful and knowledgeable.
KR Peter
Ditto, Do what the Physicians say, rest and get back in a measured time, not too quickly. You're no spring.... I say, you're no spring chicken :D:D:D

My Mrs had a shoulder op and didn't rest enough - 6 weeks later, in for a repeat.

So take it steady and get back when ready.
Morning all. Just wanted to take a second and express my sincere appreciation for the best wishes. As some of you are aware, the past couple of months i ve had a nagging little sinus drainage that has turned into Bacterial pneumonia. As modt of you are aware, im not real smart, love doctors and nurses, as long as i dont have to visit them professionally.
So long story short, flow restriction, then pain. Drove myself to the ER, was admitted and now doing much better. Maybe get released this weekend.
In the meantime, Im forwarding emails to Steve, and he'll cover some things for me.
FULLY expect complete recovery so fully planning on OSH.
Again, sincerely appreciate the thoughts and prayers.
Morning all. Just wanted to take a second and express my sincere appreciation for the best wishes. As some of you are aware, the past couple of months i ve had a nagging little sinus drainage that has turned into Bacterial pneumonia. As modt of you are aware, im not real smart, love doctors and nurses, as long as i dont have to visit them professionally.
So long story short, flow restriction, then pain. Drove myself to the ER, was admitted and now doing much better. Maybe get released this weekend.
In the meantime, Im forwarding emails to Steve, and he'll cover some things for me.
FULLY expect complete recovery so fully planning on OSH.
Again, sincerely appreciate the thoughts and prayers.

Tom, great news!! Thanks for filling in the big blank in the thread. :D
Good luck with the recovery Tom! I hope the medical team is at least 25% as helpful as you have been to all of us!
Get Well Soon

Hey Tom,

Just read about your sinus trouble! Glad you're feeling better. I did warn you about sticking that nose in places it didn't belong!:D Hope you're home soon.
Tubing failure?

Ironic isn't it; that you would be grounded by a plumbing issue! Happy to hear you got the leak fixed. I wish you well.

Morning all. Just wanted to take a second and express my sincere appreciation for the best wishes. As some of you are aware, the past couple of months i ve had a nagging little sinus drainage that has turned into Bacterial pneumonia. As modt of you are aware, im not real smart, love doctors and nurses, as long as i dont have to visit them professionally.
So long story short, flow restriction, then pain. Drove myself to the ER, was admitted and now doing much better. Maybe get released this weekend.
In the meantime, Im forwarding emails to Steve, and he'll cover some things for me.
FULLY expect complete recovery so fully planning on OSH.
Again, sincerely appreciate the thoughts and prayers.
Praying for a quick recovery and you don’t give the nurses to bad a time.
Ron and others. It wasnt necessarily a plumbing failure. Rapid restriction of the right lung. So -6 convoluted hose draining into a box. Now the big tube is out, and a smaller drain into container. All appear to be working like its supposed to. I can attest that suffocating is not fun. And the anxiety that goes with it, just hugely complicates things. But do to a fabulous medical staff and and several pretty nurses, in case you were wondering, ill probably go home early on the week. Dont want to overdo and have a relapse.
Sincere thanks for all the best wishes.

Great news!

Thanks for the update Tom! Get your rest and fully recover! We don’t need you
To get all hosed up again! :):D

Not necessarily RV related, but will be----I came home Friday afternoon. Several boxes stackedup of things to do---not sure what yet, but from clients. YES--as soon as I get alittle more strength I'll handle them. Promise.
I tried to forward most of the pressing email traffic to Steve so he could help process things. I have some in the order of like 75 that I need to go over. Ya'll---please be patient YES----I will get to all of them.

I'll say here again for the record, the RV community is the BEST. Your thoughts and prayers mean so much, its motovating.

So first nite "jitters" its this really going to work? Will I breathe when I sleep without the oxygen? Well apparently so, because I'm writinng this on Saturday morning. The sun came up, some planes are flying at 3J1, so maybe all is well.
Going to be on antibotics for a couple of weeks and more follow up DRs appointments than I remember seeing DRs for---but whatever.

To those of you in the medical community----Heroes all. You dont get enough credit when lives are saved. 2 times now, Ive been on the verge of disasterous consequenses, and each time Drs nurses and specialty staff have brought me back so I could make some contribution. All of you need to stand up and be recognized.

We take alot of things for granted these days, I know I do/did. Hug a Dr, Hug a nurse, Hug a respiratory therapist, hug the CNA that wakes you up aout of the best sleep youve had to take your vitals and then says go back to sleep. Yeah right----BUT--she/he is doing an important job that seems pretty annoying to someone that was sleeping. Now that I've seen a broader picture, all of you are a team. From the Dr that I gave a hard time about the chest tube procedure hurting, to the late nite radiology shift doing chest xrays and CTs on me, to the nite nurse who was helping me get well, while her husband is in chemo------All of your dedication is way beyond the call of duty. I appreciate all of you alot more.

Tom please concentrate on getting better — orders can wait. Glad you’re home and on the road to recovery!
Oh man…

chest tubes. I feel for you cause I’ve had like six of them and man, they are no fun. Hang in there, get well and best wishes.
Hi Jeff-- how you doing?
Yeah the tube going it iwas ok---because they gave me some pain meds, coming out===I guess experiencing live birth is close:eek:
Hi Jeff-- how you doing?
Yeah the tube going it iwas ok---because they gave me some pain meds, coming out===I guess experiencing live birth is close:eek:

I've never had a chest tube placed or removed on myself, but I've been on the other end of the tube hundreds of times over the last 45 years. Certainly enough to have a clear understanding of what a painful procedure it can be. Propofol is your friend, for sure.
I've never had a chest tube placed or removed on myself, but I've been on the other end of the tube hundreds of times over the last 45 years. Certainly enough to have a clear understanding of what a painful procedure it can be. Propofol is your friend, for sure.

Painful, yes. After a fall, some broken ribs caused a collapsed lung. The Dr. was sliding me across the bed from the force he used to try to insert the tube into my chest. Ouch.