Tom was a huge part of our EAA66 at page in ft Myers
He was more than a mentor.
In my two short years knowing Mr Irlbeck he was always available and made time for who needed his advice. The young eagles he flew always had that RV Grin always.

The RV world lost an all star.

My prayers are to his family

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This is a very difficult day. Tom was a flying mentor and a good friend, having transition trained me in RV's almost 17 years ago, as well as having made the first flight in my plane.

A very short flying background on Tom. He joined the Navy during the Vietnam era, and flew just short of 200 combat missions (IIRC) in F4's from carriers. After his tours in VN, he was selected to be in the first group of Top Gun instructors when that school was formed. He flew for the airlines after leaving the Navy, retiring from Northwest in about the late 1990's. He built his RV8 and finished it in 2000. I believe he put about 2000 hours on it, flying it back and forth to FL from WI every winter/summer since then. A couple years ago, he acquired one of the few ratings he never had, his glider instructor certificate. He became very involved in glider clubs both in Florida and Wisconsin. I recall he had logged more than 25,000 flight hours.

I don't know how many first flights he made for builders of RV's, but quite some time ago he told me it was over 40.

As facts become known, they surely will be posted here, but Tom's last flight was in a glider.

Please keep his wife Katy, as well as their two sons and their families in your prayers.
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Hello all,

I?d like to add my comments to the passing of Tom Irlbeck. He was one of the mainstays of the Twin Cities RV Builders group. I had known Tom for over 25 years. I gave him his BFRs for the last 10 years or so. A great friend and a great aviator. Here my thoughts on our club website:
I used to.........

As others have said, Tom was quite a guy, friendly, approachable, yet larger than life in the best possible way.

Tom gave my wife her first ride in his Blue RV-8 "Bear" where she had such a good time in his plane, but more so with him, that she was grins all weekend! I sent his name in to Van's as the person who referred me so he could get as he called it, "Beer Money"

My favorite Tom story was from a trip the Twin Cities group took up to Superior, WI for breakfast. One of us would give a position report over a little town on the way up, and no matter what the town, with perfect timing, Tom would chime in with, "I used to know a girl in that town". We'd all laugh, and just knew, Tom was always a true Naval Aviator.

He was the best, and we will all miss him.
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Tom Irlbeck's article

Hello all,

I?d like to add my comments to the passing of Tom Irlbeck. He was one of the mainstays of the Twin Cities RV Builders group. I had known Tom for over 25 years. I gave him his BFRs for the last 10 years or so. A great friend and a great aviator. Here my thoughts on our club website:

And I'll add the link provided by Doug on his site. This is an article written by Tom Irlbeck several years ago. I never met him, but his words are worthy of our attention. I encourage you to read this.
Here's a picture of Tom in "Bear" way back in 2001. He's the only person I'd ever let fly anywhere near that close to me!

Such a good man...

I met Tom at a Twin Cities RV fly-in at KANE several years ago. I was a fledgling pilot who was trying to determine whether to build an RV-9A or an RV-7A. I was having a conversation about this decision with a friend of mine named Tom Berge. Tom B. was chatting with my wife and I about this decision and he said; "Well, the main difference is whether or not you want to do light aerobatics." I told him "I don't know if I like aerobatics, I've never done them." To which Tom B. said; "Then there is someone I need to introduce you to." Tom B. took me over to a very naval aviator looking gentlemen who was Tom Irlbeck. Tom B. introduced me to Tom Irlbeck and explained my decision. With a grin going from ear to ear Tom Irlbeck looked at his blue RV-8 and then at me and said; "Well, theres only one way to find out if you like aero or not. Wanna go?" Of course...I went. I knew I was in for a treat when I heard Tom request a performance take-off. What a ride. I was laughing the whole time. Cuban eights, barrel rolls, loops, stalls, immelmanns, the whole nine yards.
I'll never forget my flight with Tom. I had the privilege to speak to him on several occasions during my build and he was always a patient teacher. I enjoyed my brief time with him immensely, each time knowing I was in the presence of greatness.
Tom, thank you for influencing my life, for being an example of a professional aviator, for putting a smile on my face and my wife at ease. Blue skies and tailwinds...

Tom and RV-8 ?Bear? will remain in our hearts and be sorely missed.

My prayers to the family.


Tom was instrumental in the completion of my RV. My father and I worked together for many years to build our RV6A, but when it was ready for flight, my father was too disabled to fly it and I did not yet have my license. Tom performed the first flight, and flew off the 25 hours. Then we winched my dad into the rafters of the hangar, and lowered him into the plane. Tom took Paul on his one and only flight in our RV. Thanks Tom, I will never forgot you and your help...
Here's the picture Eric was trying to post of Tom helping to give Eric's father a ride in their new RV6A.

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I can't resist posting this picture. I do not recall just how Tom got the plane and smoke in this particular arrangement...

Pictures and video from the Wisconsin Celebration of Life

Here are some updates, pictures and video from this past Saturday's Celebration of Life event at Tom's hangar in WI. There was a similar event in FL last month. Tom really had a profound effect on many, many people, both in and out of aviation.

Tom Irlbeck
