Wayne Dawson

I'm New Here
My wife Kathy and I recently attended Tom Emery's Assembly Workshop. Tom schedules his workshop classes one weekend each month The class required two full days. During that time we built Van's pratice airfoil kit. Class time was divided between the hands-on construction of the airfoil, and lecture on basic sheet metal and tools, workshop safety, surface prep and priming, aircraft hardware, FAA inspection and licensing, rigging and test flying, painting, and finally insurance. We were provided a useful booklet covering the course material as a take home reference. It was all new for Kathy and I, but we learned the basics of sheet metal aircraft construction and how to use the tools to do it. Most importantly Tom gave us the confidence that we can build an RV7A and do a good job! The class was serrious but fun and I want to thank Tom for passing his experience and enthusiasm on to us. We no more than got home than Kathy got on line and purchased a rivet gun. Kathy and I want to recommend Tom's class to everyone starting an RV kit. Tom has a web site www.parvbuilders.nstemp.com or you can email him at [email protected] Or me at [email protected]
Where is Tom Emery located?

There is a local company, here in Oregon, that offers a single day class in which the practice kit is put together (minus the epoxy step), and a full week class, in which the empenage kit can be completed.

I have taken the day long class, but they did not go into the details like the class that you describe.
RV Workshops

We are located in Western Pennsylvania. We just relocated to our new facility at Rostraver Airport, KFWQ. Drive in, or fly in. We have the tools and fixtures to help you with any of the RV series aircraft. We've been in the aircraft business for almost 30 years and love building. We can help you with any part or help you complete your entire aircraft.

Tom & Nickie Emery
This is really Great, Tom. Glad to here of another good place to learn the fundamentals of RV building. I know how much I benefited from a similar course held by EAA and Van's, but they are limited in their numbers. Glad you're out there for the new builders.
