
Well Known Member
For those of you with toggle switches who have used the slip on colored covers, I'm curious about how you did your functional to color assignment?
Mine are loosely color grouped - masters red, lights yellow. My toggles, from left to right are

Avionics Master
AutoPilot Master


Footwell Light
Defog Fan

Pitot Heat

Boost Pump

It is my opinion that assigning many colors to detailed functions can create more visual confusion rather than less. Be careful of this.
Switch location and labeling goes a long way and does not necessarily need duplication in color.

I do like the covers since they give a warmer "feel" to a bare toggle.

I chose a base color for switches the are normally used in a flight.
I chose a contrasting color for switches that could be considered unusual or emergency such as turning on a backup alternator for instance.
It is my opinion that assigning many colors to detailed functions can create more visual confusion rather than less. Be careful of this.
Switch location and labeling goes a long way and does not necessarily need duplication in color.

I agree and I should have added to the end of my list that the color does exactly nothing for me. I operate the switches by knowing their locations and confirming with the label. Color just makes it look better. Maybe the one exception is the red for masters does highlight them on the panel.
Hi Claude,
I just wanted to say that my post was really to the OP and not in response to yours although it looks like that. :)

We were typing at the same time and you beat me to the button.

Fly on!
Red master, blue for systems, green for lights. The switches were on my side panel in my Rocket and it was easy to know where the light switches were without twisting my head to read the switch labels. On all my other airplanes, color was not needed.
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Hi Claude,
I just wanted to say that my post was really to the OP and not in response to yours although it looks like that. :)

We were typing at the same time and you beat me to the button.

Fly on!

No worries, I didn't read it like it was directed to me. I just wanted to add a me too to your comment. Colors make it nice to look at but the distance between utility and distraction is short.
Anyone have a source for other colors like Orange/Brown/Purple for these toggle switch covers? I think I got mine (Black/White/Red/Green/Blue/Yellow) from Steinair, but would love to have some other colors to choose from.