
Well, its been a long time since I saw the inside of an airplane while it was flying. In a former life I was a Navigator of a C-130H, and loved every minute of it. Today, however, I took the controls of a DA-40, and with my instructor in the right seat, took to the air on my first flight to get my PPL. What an exhilarating flight. Not only was it a great time, but I almost felt like I was picking up where I left off in that T-34C about 9 years ago. The only issue that I had was that the throttle is on the wrong side!! Of course, there were small altitude and heading deviations that need to be corrected but, overall, I was very happy with how today went. I even did the takeoff on my own.

I figured, since I have read and shared in so many of your flight experiences, that I would share my latest with everyone here at VAF. Thanks for all the motivation I've gotten from all of you. I will one day join the ranks of the RV builder.

Milt Stephenson
"RV-8 Dreaming"
New Challenges

Congratulations on starting your ppl. I just recently start flying again after a 20+ year layoff. I got my BFR, got checked out in an Archer and have started my instrument training.