
Well Known Member
In 1939 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued a proclamation which designated the anniversary of Orville Wright's birthday to be National Aviation Day. The proclamation was codified (USC 36:I:A:1:118), and it allows the sitting US President to proclaim August 19 as National Aviation Day each year, if desired. Their proclamation may direct all federal buildings and installations to fly the US flag on that day, and may encourage citizens to observe the day with activities that promote interest in aviation.

I celebrated National Aviation day by making a short flying video with some of our photos put to the 1960's reading of the Air Force poem "High Flight". Then flew around the North Florida area and watched a flight of 2 A-10's fly under me as I was northbound between Ocala and Gainsville, FL. I got in the pattern at KFIN with a beautiful yellow RV6 doing touch-n-Go's before landing there for lunch at the airport restaurant. Heading home I got to fly over St. Augustine and circle over the Castillo San Marcos National Monument before landing.

Additionally, it is my birthday so overall a great day of "aviating" for me.

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I tried to do my part

I flew to lunch today. It was only 40nm, but at least I flew! I hope that counts.
I cluelessly (in regards to aviation day) flew my normal Monday commute to work.

It was a day to celebrate. I have a new hangarmate to share the rent. :D

Been footing the bill alone for a few months. :(

Plus, it's a beautiful Q-200. My heart throb from the 80s :cool:
I didn't waste the perfect day either my buddy came for a ride. After fog lifted the Marine One left.

Minutes before field was NOTAMed closed a formation of Nighthawks graciously made a 360 allowing us to depart. Thank you!

Somewhere couple hundred miles north we met another famous aircraft a B17. Happy Aviation Day!