
Well Known Member
The trip to 40th Sun-n-Fun started on a rainy Friday afternoon without sun but with some fun. Some hangar ghost left master switch on last night. Jumping to the rescue. :D

Typical Aleutian weather and landscape.

Our Director of Operation here at Princeton airport NJ has a very unique qual. He can lift the clouds on demand but you have to ask him nicely couple hours before departure. And you have to be a citizen of his airport. I asked him and he cleared all Class G airspace for me all the way to Virginia. I love flying in Class G airspace it's definitely under utilized.

You can read signs.

You can count cars.

But you have to bring air freshener to fly over this stinky plant. Pfffff....

After tight squeeze between the Red Circle of Doom and a Restricted area I had an opportunity to transfer higher to Class E airspace. Almost immediately I was punched by turbulent 40+ kts on the nose and had to "enjoy it" for a while.

Further south I was under John Mastro's watchful eye and guidance. John Mastro is a builder and the owner of a beautiful RV8 and has a nickname "Smiling Jack". These are his rides.

John was vacationing on Hilton Head Island, SC and invited me to spend a night with them. He told me how to get there, where to fuel cheaper and other little tricks which saved me a lot. Thanks John.

I fueled somewhere here remembering to stay out of rookies fighters way. MOAs were red hot. You hear me Bob Leffler? I saw them on the ground then proceeded further...

I topped off the tanks at an airport right outside of Seymour Johnson AFB airspace. It was very windy even on the ground.

Up I go again and in couple hours I was tied down at a very friendly Signature FBO. There were many big jets around I was too tired to focus my camera.

John and his beautiful wife Vanessa met me and gave me very nice island tour. We finished the day at a Mexican restaurant then went to a concert.

There was nice ale at home and we had a great time. Remembering golden times of Cold War when we were young and brainwashed serving opposing powers. Who could have thought we would meet in 30 years, have beers and good laughs. Tony would love to be with us.

And it was Friday.

Early Saturday morning after home made breakfast packed with calories I left the hospitable island. The next stop planned was the Island of St. Simon everyone knows I "collect" islands.

Little tour of Hilton Head before sunrise.

Beautiful place.

On the way to St. Simon island somewhere in Georgia I found this birdless beach. Tide was low and sand was packed. The only thing lacking there was my courage. Courage to lower the nose wheel. Next time maybe :D

According to weather report St. Simon (KSSI) was IFR. But look at that. No wind and excellent visibility. One more island to the collection.

What happened next was very fun. I am starting forgetting things. Forgot to switch master off, forgot something in John's condo and now forgot printed sheet of paper per NOTAM. That's what I was doing somewhere by Jacksonville. Doodling two letters for Homebuilt Parking sign on ForeFlight scratch pad.

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Picked up Sun and Fun frequencies 40+ miles from Lakeland. The arrival was so easy and well explained by ATC I almost fell asleep.

Low wing turn your base... skinny runway green dot... welcome to Sun-n-Fun!

Sorry, parking volunteers I have this. One came closer, smiled and gave it a go.

Service at Homebuilt Parking was top notch. I didn't have tie downs and gladly purchased a set right here on the field. Nicely finished ropes, screwy type anchors and a piece of plastic pipe for a handle. $25. Excellent customer service in my opinion.

Good old friends were not far away.

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I fueled somewhere here remembering to stay out of rookies fighters way. MOAs were red hot. You hear me Bob Leffler? I saw them on the ground then proceeded further...


glad to hear.........

In talking with my son, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near the moa he's flying his F-16 in right now. He just started defensive maneuvers. The analogy he related was like driving at rush hour on the freeway at 100 miles hour and only looking out the rear window. I can just fathom the issues with not only attempting to stay mentally ahead of your aircraft but trying to find the aircraft that that is targeting you from behind.
keep 'em coming!

I can't wait to read the rest of your trip report, Vlad. I always enjoy them, you're an excellent story teller. You constantly inspire me to find the time to fly more.
never leave the master on again??

Hi Vlad. Great Post. A friend told me a while back the trick for not leaving the master on (I'd done it more than once.) Just leave the strobe switch on when you shut down. It's very hard to walk away from an airplane with the strobes flashing. Ben:)
Like I said on the fight line I am envious of all the trips you take and all the flying you do. Our visit was short but you were busy tying down and I had impatient people pulling me in another direction. It was nice having a chance to meet you. If your travels ever bring you to the Denver area be sure and let me know, we always have plenty of room.
Love the thread and all the pictures Vlad. I really enjoy following all your trip write-ups. It gets me motivated to get the plane done!
Thank you all. It was a quick and fascinating weekend.

Hi Vlad. Great Post. A friend told me a while back the trick for not leaving the master on (I'd done it more than once.) Just leave the strobe switch on when you shut down. It's very hard to walk away from an airplane with the strobes flashing. Ben:)

Ben great idea on strobe switch. Some day I have to install them :)
I have two very noisy electric gyros and they remind me after shutdown. That night (the only case I forgot the switch) was rainy and noises mitigated. Plus I was so excited to be on go next day.

Vlad, did you see any decrease in airspeed with your nosewheel pant off?

Yes, a whopping 3 kts. I could sacrifice couple knots instead of showing everybody this shame. Does it look like rookie flyer again... :D

Like I said on the fight line I am envious of all the trips you take and all the flying you do. Our visit was short but you were busy tying down and I had impatient people pulling me in another direction. It was nice having a chance to meet you. If your travels ever bring you to the Denver area be sure and let me know, we always have plenty of room.

Ryan the pleasure was mine. Thanks for encouraging words. Come next year the same Saturday :)
Last time I visited S-n-F in 2009. I was a volunteer with sheet metal workshop. Made a lot of friends in the kitchen. Some of them got promoted to big dogs but they remember the roots. Michael Tippin, an RV10 builder send me an email with coordinates. Volunteer Kitchen moved to around here. One can sniff free sandwiches by these Bear props.

There is a very nice "boys only" place called Quiet Birdmen Hut. It's an underground club of a few selected very powerful men. They all have heavy stainless steel membership cards and can go anywhere in the world without telling TSA. They don't use money for food and beer they use tokens and chips. They all speak very clear bookish English.

Mike Tippin and his friends got me passed security checkpoint and the first pitcher was in order. But we can't just seat and do nothing. Up we go with professor Bryan Shuler, a govt licensed pilot and an amazing fellow. Bryan holds multiple doctorates and teaches with a famous university. He never been in an RV before but operated some exotic airplanes. Bryan took the controls after takeoff and in couple minutes was flying the RV with just two fingers. I was trying to distract him but failed. The professor was super focused on flying. We saw drone like silver cranes. We didn't have much time to play the airshow was about to start. So we hurried up to Lake Parker and ATC sent us straight to the numbers. We came hotter then published and had to dump that excessive energy left and right not easy with fixed pitch prop as you know. Bryan loved it. We even managed to execute a go around kept it very tight and plopped on at the end of skinny runway.

Then appeared mighty Turbo and his gang. All QB tokens and chips were spent. After finishing with Quiet Birdmen I spent an hour or so browsing the grounds and vendors. Lots of good stuff. Salivated over Aspen avionics again. Enjoyed the Roar of Freedom.

A grand bbq party was on schedule in the camping area. Turbo and I couldn't miss that. Thank you Rich and Michael. We have to go.

The most notorious Turbo leads. Everybody knows him he is here every single day for all 40 Sun-n-F years.

Great job volunteers thank you!

40 minutes of flying with Turbo was very relaxing. He called all Restricted authorities and led me to his airport. He even got permission for overhead break. RV Hotel was cool and quiet. I slept like a baby. Tomorrow is Sunday and road back would be a great adventure again. Forecast looked stellar...
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Road back

Sunday morning at Turbo Aviation. Stuart Florida United States. Eddie took his helicopter and before I did a runup he was already en route to S-n-F.

All them beaches. Vero Beach.

Melbourne Beach.

Sebastian Inlet.

South Cocoa Beach with Patrick AFB tower. There is a giant radar dish on that beach camera refused to focus.

Pelican Formation in ground effect.

Space Coast.

Touch and go at Bob Lee Strip 1J6. Rough...

This bridge is awesome. It opens for you.

Soon enough the first leg back home was finished at Palatka my favorite transit stop. There is a MIG21 under reconstruction in Hangar 9. Met couple RV guys on the way from S-n-F.

Fuel, snack, checking WX... Something is brewing over GA but there are still two corridors time is up...
Sneak Attack on the storm

I tuned hot frequencies, donned my oxygen gear and went to outer space.

It's always something on the way. The first passable corridor moved right over restricted areas and they were hot.

Storm eventually won I run away.

Dropped down low and monitoring Savanna Approach made it to the other side of the front. Approach was so busy handling IFR traffic he was unable to provide flight following.

A tempting field down under. Not now next time. :)

Virginia was nice and shiny.

I explored a lake.

Checked if the dam is producing enough wattage for my future i3.

Visited the only LED runway in VA. Luray (where famous Luray Caverns are) was friendly and quiet. Received first stamp in my VA Aviation Ambassador passport.

That was all. Two hours later I was back at my airport in Princeton NJ. The airport I left the day before yesterday. Very nice weekend trip made possible by all my RV friends. Keep pounding those rivets it's well worth it.

now that is what i call following the center line. ;)

come back again next year. maybe you can get a swim in the big pool then. glad the jax wx turned out ok to get thru.

just wondering how high skypilot got with O2 hooked up? :eek: