
Active Member
Hi Guys (and gals I presume),
I'm a bit embarrassed to ask this newbie question, but I've been away from the project for a long time, and I've also got a dead battery in my broken dial caliper... Here it goes..
I'm putting the F-730 reinforcement plate together with the F-728A and F-729A elevator belcrank ribs.
For the AN426AD3-(x) rivets do you simply machine countersunk the F730?
If you dimpled it, then did you dimple or machine countersink the pieces underneath...(F-728A and F-729A)?
If I recall correctly, the tipping point between machine countersinking and dimpling is when the aluminum is about .040" thick. Alas I have no accurate way to measure the thickness at the moment.
Thanks in advance,
Steve Wolfe
RV-7 tip-up Slow build..reeaally slow
Fuselage bulkheads in the works.

The parts you list are .032"
If you have the fwd and aft canopy deck rails nearby, they are .040".
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Thanks Wirejock,

I'll find those fwd and aft canopy deck rails to use as a reference until I get a replacement micrometer type guage.
