
Legacy Member
With the debate raging regarding the installation of 406 capable ELT's some members of this board have suggested the used of satellite (GPS) tracking devices such as SPOT or APRS.

Am I alone in not liking the idea of installing some device that allows the government (or anyone else) to track my movement?

Granted this can kind of be done with a transponder but since the transponder is not tied to my aircraft, I still feel comfortable with this.

How would the general public like it if the government had the capability to track their every move? Oh, I forgot they can do that now that all of our cell phones have active GPS units in them, thanks to OJ.
Bill, good question. I figure the government is too busy trying to figure out how to take my money to bother watching where I fly. When they devise a way to take my money based upon where I fly, I'll turn the APRS off.

Taking the ham test next weekend.
With the debate raging regarding the installation of 406 capable ELT's some members of this board have suggested the used of satellite (GPS) tracking devices such as SPOT or APRS.

Am I alone in not liking the idea of installing some device that allows the government (or anyone else) to track my movement?

Granted this can kind of be done with a transponder but since the transponder is not tied to my aircraft, I still feel comfortable with this.

How would the general public like it if the government had the capability to track their every move? Oh, I forgot they can do that now that all of our cell phones have active GPS units in them, thanks to OJ.


:D :D
I use SPOT which isn't really tied to the aircraft; as it gives no aircraft information, speed, or altitude. I still think it's an excellent device for letting family members keep track, as long as it's the pilot's wishes.

Now................if the Government really wants to track you, transponder or not, they will. They'll even have someone open the hangar door, to verify the "suspect" aircraft. I know this as fact.

What do you think that ADS-B permits?

I am so opposed to ADS-B Out on many fronts but I have not paid a lot of attention to whether you get unique IDs like using a 406 MHz PLB.

I had to register my 406 MHz PLB. If you have to do that with 406 MHz ELTs (most likely the case) then that permits a level of tracking and association with your aircraft that is not possible today.
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Welcome to the connected era. I choose to live my life and forget about the paranoia.

BTW: They can track even without a transponder, but you'd have to be within primary radar coverage. Not sure what kind of range the RCS (Radar Cross-Section) of an RV gives -- I'd guess probably not more than tens of miles.

ADS-B is a worthless fiasco not even including the privacy issues.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't all aircraft fyling the IFR system in North America be tracked by Joe Average Plumber on the internet? Frankly I don't think being tracked is a big deal.
Just my two cents.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't all aircraft fyling the IFR system in North America be tracked by Joe Average Plumber on the internet? Frankly I don't think being tracked is a big deal.
Just my two cents.
True and same with anyone using flight following.

I'm asking about someone who wants to take a trip VFR and go where they want w/o big brother watching. I would add, just like in a car, but around here there are cameras at just about every intersection and along the major roads.
I had to register my 406 MHz PLB. If you have to do that with 406 MHz ELTs (most likely the case) then that permits a level of tracking and association with your aircraft that is not possible today.

Neither the PLB or the ELT put out anything until you activate them, so I really don't think they are part of this discussion. And when (if) I DO activate my PLB, I sure as heck want to be tracked!;)

You are right about the 406 MHz ELT. My bad. However, ELTs are hardly a reliable rescue/recovery system. One article stated (unconfirmed) that Fossett had a 406 MHz ELT.

If you want a system to greatly enhance your rescue/recovery, look at Spot or APRS.
Every time you buy Avgas, they write down your N-number. Your supposed to put it into the Pay-the-pump also.

I would say that Big Brother can track you if he wants to...

Boy, this thread is dangerously close to politics......

I would think that the difference between ADS-B & the 406 ELTs is that the ELT only transmits if it's activated. At least I hope so.

Now, the camera thing really is unsettling, but have you pondered the fact that the RFID tags in the clothes you just bought with your credit card don't stop working when you leave the store?

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