
Well Known Member

In the past we have sponsored many TMX Engine Assembly Workshops here at Mattituck Airport (21N) in New York. Many in the group have requested to be kept informed of the date for the next one, so they could make plans to attend.

We have scheduled the next workshop for Saturday January 17, 2009.

The plan would be to start the day of at 8:00 AM with a short coffee, donut, pastry type breakfast with informal registration and introductions. At 8:30 or so, we would start the class and continue until lunch time when we will break for a sandwich, soda, chips type lunch. After lunch we would continue the class until approximately 3:30-4:00 PM. At that time, there will be an optional tour of the facility and test running of an engine in one of our two test cells.

Breakfast, lunch and any thing you need to participate will be supplied by Teledyne Mattituck Services. All you need do, is let us know ahead of time, that you are planning to attend and show up to enjoy the class and tours. There will be no charge for any of the activities or classes. At anytime during the day, we will be available to informally discuss any engine related procedures, issues or troubleshooting techniques that you may have questions about, in addition to the formal engine assembly workshop which will incorporate the actual assembly of a four cylinder TMX O-360. During the workshop, we will be pointing out all of the benefits we incorporate into our engines, as well as, everything you need to know about prepping an engine for assembly and assembling a four cylinder Lycoming engine correctly.

If your plans are such that you might want to stay overnight, either before or after the workshop we would be happy to supply you with local motel information and provide transportation to and from the motel to the airport for the workshop. As well, if you might be flying in commercially, for the occasion, the best airport to do that into is Long Island Islip MacArthur Airport (ISP). Service is available from Southwest and Delta. If you are arriving on Friday or departing late Saturday or on Sunday, after the seminar, we would be able to provide transportation to and from Islip. Or if you prefer you can rent a car at Islip and provide your own transportation. It is about a 45 minute drive from Islip to Mattituck.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to attend the workshop! If you?re planning to attend, we simply ask you to reply to this post, off list, at my email address of [email protected] , advising us your email address, full name and a daytime phone number you can be reached at. We will take it from there. We will be limiting the class to approximately 50 participants, so that every one who attends has the opportunity to get the full benefit of the instruction. I am sure that the allocated spots will fill up quickly, so please get back to me as soon as possible to guarantee that you will have the opportunity to attend.

Hope to be hearing from you soon!

Good Luck,
Mahlon Russell
1-800-624-6680 ext. 305
Very Nice Indeed!

Just wanted to post a very public *Thank You* to Mahlon, John and the rest of the Teledyne Mattituck group that hosted this great clinic. We were a group of about 40 or so people who showed up on a *very* cold (but sunny) NY morning who were well fed and well educated by you guys.

I consider this time very well spent for sure. I had my el-cheapo camera with me and took a collection of photos - posted them at if any are interested.

For those that couldn't hang around till the *very* end, the shop tour/test cell demo was cool indeed. The tour of the "car museum" was a nice treat as well !
I'll Second That

I too would like to thank Mahlon and the entire Mattituck organization for the engine workshop. This was well-spent time and Mattituck gives you confidence that they really care about the way they built the engines our lives depend on.

After seeing the experience and knowledge at Mattituck in action, there is no way I'd want to build one from used, servicable parts - too many opportunities for problems :D

Thanks again guys.
Same here

Good fun and worthwhile.
The class solidified even further my desire for TM to build my engine.
Thanks to Mahlon and John.

I was "socked in" at Islip due to an icing airmet on Sunday so my wife and I toured the east end of Long Island. Beautiful place even in the dead of winter. Stopped by a few vinyards for entertainment and came back with a few of their wares.

The flight home Monday was the first real test of my 2008 minted IFR ticket. Had about 2.5 hrs of hand flying in the soup, including a couple of spots of light rime.:eek: I felt very exhilarated (and relieved) to get back on the ground at the end of the day. On a lighter note, I think there were only a couple of controllers in that north east area that thought I was a redneck bonehead hazzard to navigation. :D
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My wife now wants to go!

Nice to meet you Bill. Glad you made it back ok. After telling my wife about the seminar, she wishes she would have gone also. Think I will take her to the next one, knowing that this will seal the deal and allow purchase of the Red/Gold! Terrific class put on by Mahlon and John.
Ditto Sticky1

Hope to meet again someday. Got my finishing kit delivered on Monday, so fun with fiberglass begins (when it gets a little warmer)
Does anybody have any info if the seminar is sponsored and hosted this year? A friend of mine from Moscow will be vacating in NYC and would like to participate. He is building RV-9A and it's about engine time for him. He is zeroed in on TMX-360.

Ditto the above post. Thanks Mahlon and gang for the support you give us RV guys. I feel like I am still in diapers as an RV builder and you guys have helped me.

One request, I realize your shop is up in the frozen tundra of the north, but is there anyway you can do a workshop in the warmer climate? We could hang around the pool and drink those funny drinks with the little umbrellas in them. I am thinking maybe Dallas?

Thanks again?
Trust me, that would be my choice!....... I have a hard enough time fitting the ones we have at home in the budgets, let alone do a road show...
I will let every one know when the next one is scheduled for!
Good Luck,