
Well Known Member
We have two openings left for a Top to Bottom tour of the Titan Missile
Silo south of Tucson, AZ. The tour is on June 20th from 8:30am to 1
PM. Our plans are to fly into Tucson International and rent a Van to
drive to and from the Silo, then have brunch at a nice restaurant on
the way back.
Here are details of the tour.
If you would like to join this tour, let us know!
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Sounds like fun, but time frame wont work for me. Is this something that is on a regular schedule?

Would love to see it some day.

Your links are not working, by the way.
Titan Missile Silo

Retired USAF Photographer. I've been in several Titan Silos back when they had live missiles in them. If you're the curious type or engineer type, you won't be disappointed.
I went on the regular tour last November, and can't wait to go on the top-to-bottom tour someday. If you can work out the schedule, don't miss this opportunity!
Me Too

I toured it a couple of years ago as well, but I didn't realise they did a top to bottom tour. That will give me a good excuse to come back someday!
I did the regular tour last month when I was down there visiting my folks. Highly recommended. Only Titan missle silo still in existence.
Area 51?

There's a couple of Titan missiles silos left in Area 51 where they're hiding the UFO remains...

Seriously, sounds like a great tour. I'll be in Tucson a couple of days too late, so I'll miss this.

you might want to check out flying into KRYN depending on which direction yoru coming from. You can also get to the museum easily from there as well.. Valencia rd which runs right to the 19 ends right at the airport entrance :D I dont believe there is a tiedown fee as long as you purchase fuel.. Fuel is self serve pull up to the pump style.

good luck nad have fun.. one of these days ill make it back that way to take the tour.
you might want to check out flying into KRYN depending on which direction yoru coming from.

When we checked, we couldnt rent a car at Ryan Field, so we are flying into Tucson International instead.

I wonder what they did with the other 12 titan missile sites that were around Tucson. Did they just fill them in with dirt?