Well Known Member
Can someone tell me if the info from TIS has traffic info from other aircraft not using Mode-S transponders such as aircraft using a GTX-320 and other type transponders. I know nothing about how this data is gathered and sent. So feel free to talk in simple terms here. Basically I would like to know if we will see all traffic if it has either a Mode A or C transponder.

Yes all sqwakers are seen.
If your in positive radar coverage, then even those with no transponders are seen. I always get a warning when in formation when I enter a positive radar area as they show up RIGHT NEXT TO ME and the MFD freaks out.

So I can be under class bravo and not see them, but if in a bravo and I get near a charlie space, then they just show up.


The GTX-330 receives its traffic information from the TIS-equipped ATC radar tracking your aircraft. Software in the radar system determines which other tracked aircraft are in your vicinity, and sends their position to you. If the radar can see their Mode A/C or S transponder, they should be piped up to the -330.

Hope this helps...

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Losing it

Of course, you don't get any TIS traffic if you're outside the range of a Mode-S radar that can send the info to you. Just fly from Vegas towards the Grand Canyon. Just past the Hoover Dam all the traffic magically disappears! :eek:

yooper said:
Of course, you don't get any TIS traffic if you're outside the range of a Mode-S radar that can send the info to you. Just fly from Vegas towards the Grand Canyon. Just past the Hoover Dam all the traffic magically disappears! :eek:

Fortunately, most of the traffic actually disappears as well. The big win for TIS is when you are in a crowded airspace.

I fly out of a busy class D just south of Oakland. I've found that the mode-S uplink has made me way better at spotting traffic - I guess I get a lot more assisted practice. I'm very happy with having TIS in my airplane.

That said, if you haven't decided on which way you want to go, you might want to avoid the cost of the 330. The FAA has backed off on mode-s and may even be decomissioning the existing uplinks once ADS-B is deployed. They announced this just after I purchased my transponder :mad:. If I was building now, I'd be inclined to just go mode-c and wait for ads-b hardware.
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TIS and the future

Unfortunately TIS is not the wave of the future for the FAA. I posted on this http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=6217 a few months ogo. The reply I received from Garmin is posted too. I have a 330 but at this point would probably be inclined to wait and see what else is coming out or look at the other options available. Sorry for the gloom :( I do like the transponder but I am thinking that it is another electronic device that will be old before its time.
The new radars that the FAA are upgrading to, ASR-11 or something like that, will not send TIS. The Stockton California radar was upgraded in the last year and it does not send TIS information. A fellow RV'er is an Air Traffic Controller and told me about the upgrade. So, it appears that new or upgraded radars will not support TIS.