
Well Known Member
It took multiple tries (email to the ADS-B folks, ASRS report, calls to the tower) but folks finally took seriously my report that the local TIS-B uplink wasn't working right. (One reply I got was that the system passed all the tests). There were numerous times I didn't see the traffic that approach control was talking to, and once I watched a jet pass me and disappear from the ADS-B traffic display.

So here's the email I got from the FAA:

Thank you for reporting the issue you were having while flying near Savannah in December. We apologize for not providing you an update sooner, but we want you to know that this report has helped us uncover a minor technical flaw in the TIS-B system that has impacted some flights. We haven?t fully completed the analysis and roll-out of a solution, but hope to have it corrected within the next couple weeks. The FAA relies on reports such as yours to help improve and ensure safety in the NAS, so thank you again for bringing this to our attention.

We?ll send you another message, with far more detail on the issue, once it?s been sorted out completely.

Bottom line? If something doesn't seem to be working right, check your own equipment, double check, check with your buddies, and report it. Things that aren't reported aren't going to get fixed.
Good to hear they are listening. When you get the more detailed report please share; it would be good to know if it was a systemic problem or just local to your area. Thanks for making the effort to report it...it helps many people, I am sure!
TIS-B is pretty much non-functional in the Asheville NC area. Maybe your fix will make it better here, too.