
Well Known Member
I was ready to jump on the ADS-B bandwagon at Oshkosh this past year until I discovered that I would not be able to display that info on the G3X that I was planning to install. As it turns out Garmin "appears" to want to keep customers locked into the current XM system (which I currently use) rather than giving them the option to switch to ADS-B weather.

As my shop ramps up for ADS-B installations, it appears the biggest obstacle to the install will be diplaying the traffic/weather data and with so many folks jumping on the G3X bandwagon lately, I have to ask, have any of you asked Garmin about their plans for this?

And for those of you that currenty have ADS-B installed what are you using to display the info?
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Garmin Protocol?

Yes I have seen that, but I think that page hasn't been updated in a while. Has anyone found any other options (like ipad which I don't own and prefer not to have to carry so I can get free weather)?

Has anyone asked Garmin about their plans to change their protcol/policy to allow weather on the G3X?


I don't have ADS-B installed yet but plan on it early this summer. On the Dynon forums, the company indicates that there next major update will be able to display weather from "several" ADS-B sources.

They can currently display traffic but not weather. I want both ADS-B IN and OUT so it looks like the Navworx transceiver will be the best solution for what I'm trying to accomplish. If you are only looking for ADS-B IN, the Dynon transponder will cover this base for you.

Hope this helps

I don't have ADS-B installed yet but plan on it early this summer. On the Dynon forums, the company indicates that there next major update will be able to display weather from "several" ADS-B sources.

They can currently display traffic but not weather. I want both ADS-B IN and OUT so it looks like the Navworx transceiver will be the best solution for what I'm trying to accomplish. If you are only looking for ADS-B IN, the Dynon transponder will cover this base for you.

Hope this helps

I already have TIS-A from my GTX330 and doubt I will be upgrading it to ES. The UAT is the way to go for sure and it looks like another panel upgrade is inline (which rules out the G3X) so I can get the TIS-B/FIS-B displayed without carrying additional devices!

I am also in the process of evaluating the FreeFlight systems.
Found this post on aug 4th from da garmin "man"


If you talked to me at Oshkosh, you heard me say that ADS-B weather and traffic is planned for G3X in 2012. Compatible receivers will be announced in the future, and that's all I can say about it for now.



Seems like us g3x'ers will have an option next year.
GRT Avionics

Hi Walt,

GRT Avionics has been able to see TIS-B/FIS-B data for almost a year now. We have more and more customers taking advantage of this capability using the Navworx product.

I can only speak for myself but having "ATC" weather and traffic on the GRT Avionics display (3D traffic coming soon) is priceless.

From a consumer standpoint I trust all the EFIS companies will incorporate it. Like synthetic vision, it is nice to have for the VFR pilot and a must have for the IFR pilot.

Best regards,

Carlos Fernandez
GRT Avionics


Thanks for the correction.

The Dynon transponder features TIS traffic and ADS-B OUT.

Hadn't had my cup of coffee yet this morning ;)

I'll be curious how it all works out with Garmin.

I have the GTX330(es) for my out and GTS800 for my in so I have the ADS-b loop. I don't display anything ADS-b as of now. I use XM and really like the features. My GTS800 has active TAS so I don't need the traffic portion of ADS-b either. I would however like to have the option of the ads-b weather so XM has some competition on the Garmin. I now pay for the medium service from XM at 745$ a year :eek: I know the XM will show a lot more info than ADS-b but for that cost it better. I have to believe Garmin would need to compete in this market but who knows.
If it were me, I think I might hold tight and see what comes down the pipeline from Garmin before I assumed anything on that front. What we do know is that Garmin has been serious about being competitive! ;)

It's a bit early to be making assumptions on any of the equipment out there at the moment because the entire ADSB thing is still in it's infancy. It'll only grow and there can only be more options as time progresses. That's my 2 cents anyway.

XM not much better than ADS-B

I now pay for the medium service from XM at 745$ a year :eek: I know the XM will show a lot more info than ADS-b but for that cost it better.

I don't really think XM has much more to offer than FIS-B. Lightning and satellite images seem to be about all that is significant. Some of the icing and precip-type products may be useful to some but I have never tried them and don't fly in that type of weather. Also, XM works on the ground, which may or may not be a big plus (I don't need it - usually have good internet or cell coverage).

FIS-B has everything I ever use: NEXRAD, TAFs, METARS, TFR's, winds, Sigmets, Pireps.. All the stuff I ever use except satellite images. I'll gladly give that up satellite for $745/yr. Heck... I look outside for the visual images ;)
I don't really think XM has much more to offer than FIS-B.

....except for those of us in the Midwest/Great plains that can't get ADSB yet (coming at some point though), XM is the only option that exists as it sits today. FIS-B on either coast does little good out here Midwest until they get all the stations online! :)

....except for those of us in the Midwest/Great plains that can't get ADSB yet (coming at some point though), XM is the only option that exists as it sits today. FIS-B on either coast does little good out here Midwest until they get all the stations online! :)


Same situation in our area, hopefully this year we will see some stations get up and running.. until then I'll keep paying the XM bill.