
Well Known Member
For the past two decades, I have used mostly Wilkerson retread tires on my RV aircraft. They have given me the best tire life for the money. New Goodyear tires have always been the best new tire value for me. (They cost more but the cost per landing was less than the lower cost tires.) The retreads typically gave me more landing per tire than the new Goodyear tires.

When I called to order retread tires, I was told that they have not had any 5.00 X 5 tires since spring. They have not been able to get cores. I am telling the community this so that tire cores can be recycled into replacement tires. I am having them send me two new Goodyear tires for $97 each delivered instead of the retreads.

I will be saving one or two sets of tires from now on so that I can obtain the prefered retread tires that have been best value for me.
Interesting - I’ve got a stack of 5.00X5 carcasses in my hangar Because Desser has told me in the past that they’d pay so little it wasn’t worth my hauling them to LA - maybe that’s changed, and I should fill the Tundra with them next time down...

BTW - I have been buying and flying Desser retreads for over 40 years for my airplanes now - never had a single issue, and get excellent wear.
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