
Well Known Member
Did you see the news today on the commercial flight that blew a tire on takeoff?

Probably a good a lead-in as any for the following "test"
Test on tires

1.) what is proper percent of tire under Inflation for best performance on RV?
2.) T/F - you should not install your new tires on the aircraft for 12 to 24 hours after you initially mount and inflate them
3.) T/F - an under inflated tire may fail on takeoff as often or more often than on landing

Go read through sections of this Goodyear reference, on mounting and tire pressure
note: reference was provided on Wilkerson aircraft tires web site

4.) T/F I read the reference, my answers did not change, and I did not learn anything

Self score,.. and report,...
doubt it will be as good as tip-up vs slider, debate ... but may start some discussion

I'll start the discussion with noting,... yes there was some change