No wider tires here but my 9A lives on grass. At least one takeoff and landing has occurred on grass for just about every flight it has ever flown. The only modification I have made to the landing gear is to install the Anti Splat nose gear stiffener. Otherwise everything is stock. Including the stock main and nose tires. I believe any alteration in tire size would require other escalating modifications to other components of the landing gear.
Stock tires and wheelpants and lives on grass. Wheelpants may come off in winter depending on how bare and wet the RWY is.
My grass strip is way too soft this time of year. No problem for the bushwheels on my SuperCub but my RV-14A leaves ruts and I would think it would be dangerous to use. I'm thinking of looking into an alternative wheel to install so I can use my RV-14A in the softer months.
Sorry I don't know what the standard tire size is for the -14. But for my RV-8, the larger 380-150-5 are absolutely fantastic on grass. Standard wheel pants fit, mounted 3/4" or so higher than standard, and a blister bulge on the inside to help clear the brake caliper. I would absolutely recommend these to anyone that operates on grass, gravel, sand, dirt.
I like my 380-150-5 for the mains on my 7A. 500x5 on the nose with a Grove 3 piece axle. What's not to like? Handles great!
