Well Known Member
Pretty sure I know the answer. I was swapping tires today and found a slash in the sidewall (don’t know how or when).

I am getting good wear out of these - so bummer. Replace?

If I replace the tire, should I replace the tube? Both were installed 6/22.

Tires (AeroClassic 5.00-5 6 ply) running 45 lbs cold
Michelin Airstop Tube 5.00-5



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As critical as tires are, I always install a new tube when mounting a new tire. Others may disagree, but in the long run it is cheap insurance!
I had a flat a while ago and the wheel pant paint job alone, ended up costing more than a new tire and tube! (yes, I use a professional paint shop)
Pretty sure I know the answer. I was swapping tires today and found a slash in the sidewall (don’t know how or when).

I am getting good wear out of these - so bummer. Replace?

If I replace the tire, should I replace the tube? Both were installed 6/22.

Tires (AeroClassic 5.00-5 6 ply) running 45 lbs cold
Michelin Airstop Tube 5.00-5

I attended a forum at Oshkosh hosted by Goodyear Aerospace Tires. She said the reason you should always use a new tube in a new tire is because they both stretch over time. If you put an old, stretched tube in a new tire it may have wrinkles that can eventually cause a failure.
After a good night’s sleep, I decided to just replace both tires and tubes. I will have some backups on the shelf if needed.

Looking at the cost of the parts vs the cost of the airplane and the bother of potential AOG, it is a no brainer.

Thanks for the input.
My aeroclassics did that. I had cracks all around on both. Switch to condors and they are amazing. Would never do aero classics again ever…
Pretty sure I know the answer. I was swapping tires today and found a slash in the sidewall (don’t know how or when).

I am getting good wear out of these - so bummer. Replace?

If I replace the tire, should I replace the tube? Both were installed 6/22.

Tires (AeroClassic 5.00-5 6 ply) running 45 lbs cold
Michelin Airstop Tube 5.00-5

I ran the first set of Michelin Airstop tubes on my RV-6 for more than 15-years. I did not replace it till I caused a leak pinching it on reassembly after a tire change.

In a few days, my RV-6 will have been flying 27-years and there are over 3,600 hours on the airplane.
I ran the first set of Michelin Airstop tubes on my RV-6 for more than 15-years. I did not replace it till I caused a leak pinching it on reassembly after a tire change.

In a few days, my RV-6 will have been flying 27-years and there are over 3,600 hours on the airplane.
If it was up to the manufacturer, they would say replace them every month. I also did run the on my RV7 for over 7 years without any problems.
Search the archives for info on tyre (tire) wear, there are better alternatives (longer lasting, better value) than the Aero Classic.
I only change the tubes if they look distressed - puckered, pinched, noticeably stretched, etc.