
Well Known Member
So has any one used TPMS made for cars or motorcycles, sold on eBay or Amazon. You use your smart phone to read the pressure.

The FOBO brand is $90 (2 sensors) or $130 (3 sensors). Another brand Leepee is half the cost. If you havecannA-model they sell trike kits w/ three. They both use App on smart phone. There other brands with dedicated display. It will give alarm is you are losing pressure or out of limits. As well these sensors messure tempature. I am going to buy a set for my bike. Shop around prices vary. Also be sure to get latest version. They run on small standard coin battery user replaceable.

Went to Triple Tree Aerodrom 16th Annual Fly-In. Woodruff SC (SC001) last week. My 1st time. Highly recommend. There were some speakers, one from a tire manufacturer. Surprisingly the pressures loss allowed by the industry is fairly high. I find I do better. Nevertheless proper pressure is important. I admit I don't check my pressure as often as I like. Industry standard is 1st fight of day. Wheel pants are a hindrance to tire service. You can not judge pressure by looking.
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We tried it on two RV6As, works ok, but they fit to tight on wheel clearance. Seem to bend a little and let air out or bend the stem. We took them off after 18 hours.
There was a thread on this site about a month ago on the same topic. I find the idea really interesting, but someone raised the point that these caps require constant pressure from the tire/tube. If a cap fails/cracks/breaks then you would get a flat tire, potentially in flight.

Yeah, you can get a flat a lot of ways, but the chance that a "made in China" piece of plastic/electronics by a no-name company fails adds a significant risk.

I would love to be able to check and monitor pressure without having to take off the wheel pants, but I'm not sure that introducing this new single-point risk is worth it.

Works great, I've had mine on over two years. No issues ever. Can see the pressures on the cell ap in the plane in the air. Does not lose any pressure over time, Sat all winter last year dropped only 1 pound per wheel. Fits under Vans supplied wheel pant fine.

Don't understand what others who offered negative reviews were doing wrong, perhasps it was their tubes. I have the more expensive no leak tubes on my 9.

Sure is great not having to remove pants to check pressures.
Can see the pressures on the cell ap in the plane in the air. Does not lose any pressure over time,

A good opportunity for some data.
At altitude, is your pressure lower due to the cold or is it offset by the increase in pressure due to altitude?
How much does the pressure change from the ground to cruise at 8000ft?
What is the difference in air pressure before a flight to that just before touch down after long flight?
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In the air

Interesting questions, I never paid attention to pressure changes. I'll look at it next time I'm up, just to see what's happening.

We currently work on implementation of TPMS system in to our flight instruments. It is expected to have a monitoring and warning functions for tire pressure and temperature with in the EFIS unit. More information to follow at a later time.