
I recently had to replace my nose wheel with a new one, this one is an 8 ply the old one was a 6 but this one seems to have a bit of a wobble to it when we bring it down like its out of balance. Has anyone had this issue and if so can they be balanced and if so how.
I just replaced the tires on my C-152 yesterday. The new tires had a small red paint dot on the side wall which according to the mfg is the "light balance point". The instructions said to make sure that the red spot must to be lined up with the tube valve when the tire is mounted for proper balance. Hope this helps.
You can take it to a tire shop, or put a good size rod though the hole and let it sit. The heavy side will sink to the bottom. Add sticky weights to the rim until it doesn't have a heavy side. Reinstall, and fly as needed. ;)

This new tire will need to be test flown several hours with many landings to test it out. Write down the results and then do it again. Take the averge of 3 good seperate test flights, this will establish an average for future reference. ;)
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I saw somebody trying to balance a wheel with the bearings installed :) It was amusing... but not to them.... It balanced out much better without the bearings :)