
Active Member
Question, what would be the harm in riveting on the 702 tipup skin & stiffener kit before doing any of canopy work? Note the canopy frame minus the 631 "roll bar" ribs are allready riveted together and fit with the skin...1/8" gaps etc. all good per the prints.

After reviewing some of the posts on this I found one comment about the canopy glass pushing down on the 702 skin and possibly changing shape especialy near the notched corners. If the skin is riveted to the frame I cant see how the canopy could move or deflect it or that this would even be desirable.

I am seriously thinking of completeing all the riveting on the 702 skin and stiffener kit before doing any canopy fitting for the following reasons:

#1 Stiffens up the frame which ties up this "loose" item from moving around each time the canopy is fit tested.

#2 Less cecoes to sang or run into

I would appreciate any thoughts on this,

no harm and good plan.

You might want to think about what you want to do about paint. Once you rivet the stiffeners, it'll be harder to shoot the skin behind that later on.
Riveting the 702 skin

Thanks for the advice guys, I will shoot some paint on before riveting on the stiffeners. Also I started the canopy fitting work but will stop before final fitting following the BIG cut and rivet the 702 skin on.