Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
So, just wondering (after replacing my struts recently) whether there is any longevity to be gained by leaving the canopy open vs. closed (in the hangar, of course, not outside). Seems that if the struts are going to leak down and become weaker, they would be more likely to do so if compressed and (therefore) at higher pressure, which occurs when the canopy is closed.

Any real-world data on this?
The struts are still under very high pressure even when they are fully extended so my opinion it that it makes no difference.
The struts are still under very high pressure even when they are fully extended so my opinion it that it makes no difference.

I agree. Bigger question is how dirty do the shafts get when extended, and does that contamination cause the seals to wear out...
Its half as many movements if you leave it open in the hangar. Half the use half the wear?

I flew a MU-2 and we were taught to only bring flaps up to take off position from landing position after landing.
Unless you never open the door, and have a dust free hangar, why would you leave the Canopy open all the time.
Every hatchback built in the last 50 years use struts like these, and they are held in the compressed position 99.99% of their life.

Install with the rod end down. This helps lube the seal and allows a cushion effect during the last three inches of extension.

Struts are cheap on line and are easy to change...... Protect your canopy from falling, change weak struts.
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