
Well Known Member
hi all - any good tips on creating the fuel lines? I bought the prefab ones from aircraft specialty (they look great) and just need to do the other 4 or so.

It's difficult to get the Vans tubing perfectly flat so following the plans the measurements may be off by a hair here or there.

I was thinking of making them a teeny bit long and maybe put a slight bend in them (can take it out to make them longer if needed).

For the B and C lines maybe finish cut them to length after the firewall side is done?

Any insight would be most welcome.


I cut mine exactly to the KAI dimensions and they worked out perfectly. They have you cut the A tube long, mark the final cut length, remove it, cut to length, reinstall, so that one gets custom cut. Even the loooong D tube worked perfectly - once you figure how to make the crazy 82.1 (?) degree offset! I?d recommend following the KAI based upon my experience.
Steve did most of the work on the IS project, but as I recall B and C werent bad, other than having to flare the aft side after it passed through the snap bushings. NO room to enlarge the hole so the nut would pass through so the line could be a drop in piece. Similar issues with A and D, AND with D being a 80+ inch tube with multiple bends and long legs, shipping a 1 piece tube of that length would be kinda expensive.
At the time we developed the other tubes, we decided that those 4 could be done by the builder. After further review and some requests by builders, we are looking at doing them and coming up with a solution to the snap bushing issue, as well as the long length of the D tube. WE dont want to change the original configuration that Vans made, so we are looking at this. May be that we can make "most' of the tube and have the builder finish it. Not crazy about that either since we cant anticipate what the builder will do.

Would LOVE to work with Vans on this.
Bob_Y I was thinking about marking some in place, but wondered about the how the flare would affect the final length. I'll have to experiment with some I would expect the flare to slightly shorten the tube.
The lengths indicated in the KAI include 0.1? for each flare. The length indicated in the KAI and shown on the templates are BEFORE the flare.