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I'd go for the -14A because you have a better forward view in flight. I have an -8 and a -9A, would happily have a -14A... roomier, faster, and lower fuselage sides than the -9A. But no slider...

You might want to call ahead, and be more flexible on model, the -8 demo is not too common I believe, others could be elsewhere or down for service. It would also be nice to have more than one day to choose better VFR conditions.
If you are in Aurora, you could always drive another 1 1/2 hours south to Eugene to visit Synergy Air. There are usually several RV-14's under construction there - last week there were at least 2 RV-14A's and one -14 in the hangars. There were also several RV-12's, my RV-7A, a -9A and a couple of 8's.

Who knows, you might like it so much there you decide to use them for build assist. ;)
I will definitely call ahead this week. Why not the 8 for purchase or demo? Is it waning in interest, sales down, etc, in favor of later models?

The 8 has to be more run than the 14A, but the latter would probably have a wider market for resale. Don't want to start a debate, it's just the models that I am interested in. Just sitting in the airplanes will help.

Wondering how much time I should plan for, what I should see and inquire about, etc. Only have a day to visit.

Please build the airplane you wish. I was only referring to the available models for the demo flight. They will prefer to fly you in a side-by-side I believe.
Please build the airplane you wish. I was only referring to the available models for the demo flight. They will prefer to fly you in a side-by-side I believe.

Bruce is correct.
There is not currently an RV-8 on flight status for demo flights but it is available for a seating / fit check.
Plan for about 1.5 hrs for your visit if it includes a demo flight.
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Thank you gentlemen,

I?m signed up to fly the 14A next month, which at this point, is my second choice.

I?m the guy that has a Glasair Super IIRG sitting on it?s gear, engine hanging, with panel, canopy and belly panel left. The 90/90% situation. Glasair formally dropped all support for the airplane and are going in a different direction with certification of their Sportsman. There won?t be any more Fiberglas parts from the company, and everything else is going to take a lot of time to procure should a mishap or failure occur.

The salient aspect is that side by side seating is a lot like what I have now. My fondest flying has been in tandem aircraft, so unless you have some information about the future of the RV8, that?s where I?m leaning.

As you mentioned, Van?s doesn?t have an 8, but I?ll try to sit in one as you suggested.

Who knows, maybe the 14A will fit the bill, but the 8 seems ?funner?.

If you have any suggestions on what to ask or see, I?m all ears. Been through this once, and am looking forward to a company that supports its legacy aircraft and builders.

At the factory, there is an 8A you can sit in.... just can't fly in it.
Will be in PDX next month and wanted to run down to visit the factory and set up a demo flight. Either RV8 or RV14.

Any recommendations or admonitions?

I just got back. Call and ask for Jose Gutierez. Jose handles the demo flights. Pm me if you need more...
If you are in Aurora, you could always drive another 1 1/2 hours south to Eugene to visit Synergy Air. There are usually several RV-14's under construction there - last week there were at least 2 RV-14A's and one -14 in the hangars. There were also several RV-12's, my RV-7A, a -9A and a couple of 8's.

Who knows, you might like it so much there you decide to use them for build assist. ;)

They were finishing the last -12 when I was there a week ago. I believe the next -12's assembled will be iS orders.
I just got back. Call and ask for Jose Gutierez. Jose handles the demo flights. Pm me if you need more...

Jose is just one of the people that handle demo flights.

You can talk with just about anyone in the office and they can put your contact info on the schedule.
If you have the time, be sure to take the factory tour while you are there. Just be aware that they shut down early on Friday, so better to do the tour earlier in the week.

And don't forget that they now sell an RV-14, so if you want a tail dragger . . .
I was there again today and Nancy the newer parts lady is a Hoot! I take a tour of the "head" almost every time I go, ;) the above is considered a joke around these parts...
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