
Well Known Member
It seems I rarely work on the plane without, at some point, reaching for a wood skewer.

What got me started with them was doing quick holds on rivet connections. Sometimes you don't really need a cleco, or you just want to do a quit fit. Like this:


After you've drilled one hole in a piece on metal on the bench you can use a wood skewer to hold the piece in place while you drill the next one.

They're not as strong as a cleco but they are quicker to use (especially when your cleco tool is on the other side of the shop!).

They also come in handy for applying adhesives, Sliding a washer or not on a hard to reach bolt or put a bit of True Lube (or other sticky substance) on the fat end and pick up a fallen piece of hardware where you can't get your hand in.
Where do you buy them? Are they bamboo, birch, or "Churrasco?" I'm thinking cutting them into two or even three pieces might be more economical...and safer. :eek:

I'm thinking they might be in the yellow pages under "Elephant Toothpicks!" :D
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Used them for years - both on model aeroplanes and on RV's.

Great heads up.

Available at Publix, Albertsons etc etc.

All bamboo btw.
..and the bigger diameter - a bit larger than 3/16 inch - "craft sticks" from wally mart are also quite useful.
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Skewers are also a great proseal mixing and application stick. I used them to apply proseal when building tank. You can dab the rivets inside the tank nicely.