
Well Known Member
In the course of building multiple airplanes, I've aquired an array of tools that have allowed me to build my planes fairly quickly and efficiently. I usually "treat" myself to some new tool at the start of a project. 27 years of building RV's has resulted in this:

I'm helping a friend build his RV8 at my house, and somehow in the course of building the empennage I managed to use every one of those yokes!
A friend once pointed out to me "It's a thin line between a hobby and a mental illness."

To which I responded "There was a line back there?"

Funny how we come up with some of the justifications huh.

And it never stops. Almost finished but I need one more tool in case I build again. Then someone says but you can sell them when you are done.

What are you crazy! :eek:
Why am I so jealous?

You dont "need" any of those tools, let alone on the empennage!
I built my entire airplane with a manual Tatco squeezer and 3", 2", and 1" yokes.
Maybe that is why I am so jealous!
And you still don't have a "no hole" yoke. I guess that will have to wait for the next project. :D:D
Hey wait a minute! I see one of those that I need!

Well, actually, no I guess I don't NEED it, but I want it so I'm gonna get it!
Extended Yoke

Well most of these yokes look like the ones in the catalogs, except for the one at the top right - the extended yoke. Did you make it, if so how? Did you buy it, if so where?

Yes, my name is Terry and I am a tool addict.
Actually the yoke at the top left is a "no hole". The "extended" yoke was purchased at Sun n Fun a number of years ago at the fly mart, 25-50 bucks.Never had much use for it until this project, used it somewhere around the rudder horn I think. I had a friends long reach "no hole" for the last couple of projects, but gave it back to him, oops! I'll either borrow it again, or pick one up at Sun n Fun.
Different strokes...

It is interesting to read the forums on this subject. Some regale us on the perfect tool they bought, found, or built to do one rivet, and are proud of it. Others obviously find it important to outline how they overcame a challenging situation and/or built their entire plane with nothing more than a stick and a rock (ok... I exaggerate, but you get the picture). Both are valid. I tend towards tool accumulation. I like it. It is enjoyable in and of itself, having a multi drawer tool box full of precision tools. I can't economically justify it, but then again, how many of you can economically justify this hobby at all? I say do what feels right to you and makes you feel good. Life is too short to live someone else's perception of how you should build your plane.
Jon, I am interested in knowing more about the application for the one with notch in the top (the one on the top row in the center). How is that one utilized?

Jon, Not only is your collection of yokes impressive, the table top of your work bench looks like it can tell a few stories. ;)

Great thread!
Once upon a time, when I finished placing a tool order with Avery's I told the nice lady on the other end of the phone that with that order I wouldn't buy any more tools.

You know, that nice lady just laughed right in my ear.
Well Jon

I just my second rivet gun! Bought a 2x Souix because it's throw is shorter and easier to use than the 3x on the small rivets. It's a lot smoother than the Taylor as well!
squeezer show-and-tell

Mutha! Like you, but more acutely, have a strange affliction towards tools.


Bought "Big Red" at the OSH flymarket for $250. Makes dimpling skins a breeze. I found the CP-214 squeezer with footpedal on eBay for $75 and got the other one for $150. Both were items which were mispelled in their listings (shh, thats my secret). The alligator squeezer was another $50 find on eBay.
Jon, I am interested in knowing more about the application for the one with notch in the top (the one on the top row in the center). How is that one utilized?


I can't remember where I used it exactly, but the instructions that "should" have come with the yoke might have said "Grind to Fit"!:D
Built it with nothing more than a stick and a rock.

Too funny!!!:D:D:D

While it might be fun to say I built mine with only a hand squeezer, I've recently had access to a pnumatic aligator squeezer.

What a joy!

If only I'd known then what I know now, THAT would have been about my first tool purchase!

I'm betting I'm better off not having access to other nice tools! :rolleyes: