Captain Avgas

Well Known Member
Can anybody who has an RV7 or RV8 with tip tanks (with direct feed to the main tanks) tell me how they gain access to the outboard end of the main tank to connect/disconnect the fuel line in that location.

I am imagining that it would be necessary to connect the fuel line at the outboard end of the main tank AFTER the main tank is installed on the wing....and then to disconnect it again BEFORE the tank can be removed from the wing.

I believe that in the RV6 there was a lightening hole in the main wing spar just in front of the third inspection port so you could gain access to the outboard end of the main tank via that route. However on the RV7 and 8 there is no lightening hole in that location.

Any comments would be appreciated.
Ok, its not a -7 or -8, but I thought it may be applicable. We installed access panels in both outboard leading edges to inspect our fuel return fittings that are located in the outboard rib of each tank. These panels seem to allow easy access to the outboard portion of the tank through the lightening holes in the inboard rib of the leading edge (visible in the pic).
Oh yeah... the panels are those available from Van's, and come with the -10 wing kit for stall warning access.