bill v

Well Known Member
in the 90's I built a 4 and now a 7 with the 4 in order to be sure of getting the edge distance on both the weldment and the vertical stabalizer for the three #4 bolts that go through both I drilled from inside the plane with a 90 degree drill. This time I wanted to drill from the outside and be sure of hitting the weldment were I wanted. today I tried my templet with excellent results. when I got to the point of putting the weldment into the fuselage I made a templet of the back side of the weldment and drilled the two keeper rivet holes in the templet then I put the weldment in the fuselage and the templet on the backside of the fuselage. now if you can return this templet to the outside of the vertical stabalizer you would know exactly were the tail wheel weldment was inside the airplane in order to do this I made the templet larger then the weldment down at the bottom by the "mouse hole" were the rivets are that hold the two bulkheads together. between the bottom two rivets on both sides I drilled a 1/16 hole in the templet and through the bulkhead. two years latter I clamped the vertical to the back of the plane put the templet on and inserted two 1/16 pins in the holes and could see were the weldment was in the plane.