
Well Known Member
I finished my rear canopy and used Sikaflex to adhere it to the roll bar and the skin. If you choose to go this route the issue you face is placing sufficient pressure on the canopy from the inside. You want to ensure you have contact all along the skin. I researched several web sites (B. Swayze's, B. Hill's and others) and here is what I came up with.

I copied Mr. Swayze's and Mr. Hill's wooden shelf laid across the longerons with 1x2s attached. To make sure I could have controlled pressure I purchased four inflatable vinyl balls; two 15" and two 8". I think I spent $22.00 at K-Mart.


By varying the pressure I was able to wedge the balls between the 1x2s and the skin and press the canopy against the skin. The curvature of the ball was close enough to the curvature of the skin for this process. You want pressure but not so much that you distort the skin or squeeze out too much adhesive. It took a few test installations before I was satisfied with the pressure and the location of the balls. The image above is during the test installation phase.

Here are two images of the completed work.


This is the back edge. I tried to leave a consistent 1/32" bead around the edge. I wasn't completely successful but I like the results.


I am sure someone else has thought of this before, but I have not seen it posted anywhere.
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That's brilliant, Scott! There's definitely more than one way to skin this cat. I will say, though, that the flexible sticks that Bruce came up with worked brilliantly for me, too.