
Well Known Member
As some of you may notice, I tend to use photographs when submitting a post. I believe nothing conveys the message like a good detail photo when illustrating a point. To crop, reduce, insert text, or otherwise modify an original photo, I use the free Window Paint program that has been bundled with the software package on every computer I have ever purchased.

Using the program, this entire photo essay was downloaded to VAF as ONE image. It is easy to resize, crop, and alter your photographs in an infinite number of ways. I am certainly no expert using Windows Paint and I am the first to admit there is plenty of stuff to learn. Still, even this admittedly crude and basic tutorial should help you to modify photographs stored in your own collection. Practice with Windows Paint so that you can include a good detailed photo with your next post. Try it. It's easy!

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Great suggestion, Rick!

It's also easy to capture a screenshot by pressing the Print Screen key on your keyboard and then using Edit -> Past into Windows Paint. If you want to capture a screenshot of just one application (not your whole desktop), use Alt-Print Screen instead.

Happy posting!
I use Paint and....

I also use IrfanView (also free by downloading).
But what I can't figure out how to do is add to my picture nice looking text with arrows and circles to point to the place of interest in the photo.
Anyone know of a simple (free) program that will help me with that?

I tell ya I outta write a book on the things I've learned on forums such as this. I was into RC airplanes last year and the club forum was packed full of very creative solutions and ideas by very creative men.