
Well Known Member
After asking Van's for an electronic version of the parts index that you find in section 4 of your manual, I received it in .pdf format. While it's OK to perform searches, I thought it would be much more useful in Excel spreadsheet format so you can sort on any column.
A little bit of magic OCR+converters and here it is.

PS: Doug, I don't know how to add such files to your download page, but feel free to pick it up and add it.

Big help...
say, is that an Austin Healey or a TR-3... can't tell from the picture? :)

Well duh - I just read your signature...
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Looking to Put a Copy Into My I-Pad

Any chance you could also post the .PDF? I keep all of my manuals in pdf as well. This would be a great addition.
Thanks Dan!

It's already in my iPad. By the way, I know a Healey when I see one. I had a 59 TR3. it was cool, but it wasn't a Healy.
Watch out for the C-702 error!

Good work FlyingArcher!

However, the C-702 is not made of AS3-032 as listed here and in the original build manual, it is made of AS3-025.

Ask me how I know (and save yourself the $100+ that I lost in material and shipping cost when I ordered a piece of the wrong material to make an oversized version of the original part)

Who knows, maybe Vans will take responsibility for the mistake and credit me the loss. I have asked them and I am waiting for their answer.

More importantly, hopefully they will fix the error in future copies of the build manuals.
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Vans came through on the oversized C-702

Good work FlyingArcher!

However, the C-702 is not made of AS3-032 as listed here and in the original build manual, it is made of AS3-025.

Ask me how I know (and save yourself the $100+ that I lost in material and shipping cost when I ordered a piece of the wrong material to make an oversized version of the original part)

Who knows, maybe Vans will take responsibility for the mistake and credit me the loss. I have asked them and I am waiting for their answer.

More importantly, hopefully they will fix the error in future copies of the build manuals.

I am honour-bound to report that Vans did indeed come through with a new sheet of AS3-025, shipped to me at their cost.

I used to bang on about engineering-led companies being long on logic and short on empathy. Vans proved me wrong and I am happy to admit it.