
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I have often heard the question ?how do I connect the metal pitot tubing in the wing to the plastic pitot tubing in the fuselage (assuming you used metal in the wing ? some don?t, and that?s fine too!). A real easy way to do it is to go to your scrap clear plastic tubing drawer and look for a piece with an inside diameter that fits tightly over both the nylon and ?? metal tubing (they have the same OD). Wet it a little to make it slippery, push it on both sides, and add a couple of cable ties ? finished!



Here?s a shot of the disconnects we have going to the wings on our high-tech RV-3. If I had a simple airplane with nothing but lights out in the wings, I?d give strong consideration to just hard-wiring across the wing/fuselage interface. But given that we have numerous lights, aileron trim servos, roll A/P servos and antennas out there, in this case, I like the idea of disconnects ? made it far easier to wire up (there is only 1.75? of clearance between the wing and the fuse when the spars are joined). We used an ?AMP? CPC connector for lighting and Pitot heat, a BNC for the antenna, and a D-Sub for (on this side) the trim servo.


Paul, O-ring next to the tyrap might help a little over time since the O-ring exerts an even pressure all way round the plastic tube...

As a "buyer not a builder" I didn't understand why may plane had that little section of clear tubing. Now I know! Thanks.
I use a black rubber tubing that comes with all the condensing furnaces I install. It's very flexible, almost impossible to kink, and grips aluminum & plastic tubes tightly. Since these types of tubing have been in service for a good 30 years, with slightly acidic air and water running through them...........I trust the stuff.

I just flared the plastic tubing and used a union.

And sealing along the side skin at the extended belly skin will keep water from entering the cockpit.
Conduit clamps

who makes those cool conduit clamps and how often did you use them to secure the conduit through the wing?

Looks nice and clean...I like it.
Conduit Clamps

You can get those at Lowes in the pvc area. They are called truss hangers I believe. Come about 5 to a pack if I remember right. I used one every other rib in the wing. Very light and easy to install.
Select your tubing carefully. I used "black fuel line" to connect mine when I first built my plane. After I put it back together earlier this year I was chasing a pitot leak, which I finally tracked down to that "black fuel line".
Select your tubing carefully. I used "black fuel line" to connect mine when I first built my plane. After I put it back together earlier this year I was chasing a pitot leak, which I finally tracked down to that "black fuel line".

That's why I like the clear stuff - it seems to be a bit softer and doesn't get hard and crack - it also "squishes" better under the wire ties to make a good seal (although it seals pretty well on it's own).
Why not use a straight pitot union connector from someone such as SteinAir? They're used behind the panel for the same system tubing.

I use those everywhere to join nylon tubing to nylon tubing, but have not tried to use them on metal tubing - not sure they work for that. Since the joint in the wing root is something that I never plan to take apart, the quick-release function isn't really necessary....

I'd be interested to know if anyone uses them on hard tubing.

I use those everywhere to join nylon tubing to nylon tubing, but have not tried to use them on metal tubing - not sure they work for that. Since the joint in the wing root is something that I never plan to take apart, the quick-release function isn't really necessary....

I'd be interested to know if anyone uses them on hard tubing.


One of the manufacturers (my neighbor...:)...) does not seem to specifiy them for metal tubing - Catalog/Fittings/PQ Fittings.pdf