Experimental Chaos

Well Known Member
I?ve developed a riveting trick that others may be able to use in some tight places. I?d post a picture, but I?m not that smart. Anyway, you can use a normal C squeeze yoke, and place a 3/8 bolt thought though where the ram normally would go (with the head on the outside of the c) place a washer and then a nut on the inside of the C. place whatever set is required on the other side. When you tighten the nut, the end of the bolt advances toward set. This is very awkward, and not in the least bit handy, but you can work in very confined places. I can easily set a 1/8 inch rivet, and I?ve found that by grinding the end of the bolt flat and smooth, you can set some hard to reach rivets, that you won?t have to be embarrassed. I?ve found that trying to use offset rivet sets, in my rivet gun puts smileys, everywhere except on my face. When I get back to work, I plan to drill the end of a bolt to take sets, and see how that works. BTW I?ve had good luck with grade 8 hardware bolts.
Could be worth a try

I've never learned the secret handshake for offset rivet sets. Any alternative would be worth consideration. Tks.
I have absolutely no idea what Mike is trying to describe. It sounds like a handy technique - but alas, a pic is the 1,000 words I need.

I have absolutely no idea what Mike is trying to describe. It sounds like a handy technique - but alas, a pic is the 1,000 words I need.

I?ll try to smarten up enough to get a picture inserted I see people do it all the time, so I?m thinking with a week or so of studying I might be able to do it.
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Only for squeezing

Sounds like a good technique, but it will only work where the rivet is accessible by the depth of your C yoke.
Did you try this with a 4" yoke? Doesn't it open too much?
Anyway, worth a try when falling on rivets you'd love to squeeze, but find no place to fit the squeezer body.
I have not tried it with a 4 inch yoke, but I would think (something I?m admittedly not very good at) that it wouldn?t try to flex the yoke much more than having a yoke in a squeezer, since the part of the yoke that is held by the squeezer, is the rigid part. I?ll try and run a test a bit later today, just for grins.