Alan Gilmore

Active Member
I had uploaded a video to YouTube a couple of weeks ago that I made about "rib fluting". I thought you might want to look at it:

I have other topics I could produce and upload, but I thought that I would get some feedback from you before I produce anymore. It takes about 1 hour of work for every minute of video. I don't mind producing more if enough people find it helpful.

My goal is to provide unique info that is not found elseware. This video talks about a common problem, but the solution is a little unique.

So, if you like it let me know. If you don't like it, let me know that also!

Great concept - some constructive crticism. I felt the video was a little too long and repetetive regarding the technique. I think it would have been better to use some of the time to look at the other side of the rib to show the final article as when you finished the one side the other was clearly not flat. Like I said great concept for builders starting out with minimal to no experience. Well done for trying.


Great concept - some constructive crticism. I felt the video was a little too long and repetetive regarding the technique. I think it would have been better to use some of the time to look at the other side of the rib to show the final article as when you finished the one side the other was clearly not flat.


Thanks for the feedback. You made good points, and I will be mindfull of the comments before making any more videos...Thank you!
I agree with Bob. And you said that every minute takes an hour to do so another reason to cut something away and decrease time used to make these videos. One thing with this cutting -- make sure that it's evident that there is transition... so that it just doesn't skip 5 minutes just like that without any indication. Good job!
I agree with Bob. And you said that every minute takes an hour to do so another reason to cut something away and decrease time used to make these videos. One thing with this cutting -- make sure that it's evident that there is transition... so that it just doesn't skip 5 minutes just like that without any indication. Good job!


Good input...Thank you!
I liked the video, and I think it was very helpful, but I have a question. I only saw you do one side of the rib. Does it work to do one side and then the other, or would it be better to try to do both sides more or less at once?

Along with fluting and the rib being straight, the flanges need to be at 90 degrees. One process effects the other. If flanges are not 90 degrees there will be noticeable waviness in the skins after they are riveted.
Submit to EAA?


Nice video. I think other's comments are on the mark. Something that wasn't mentioned is that this may be a good video to submit to EAA. They have a bunch of videos like this and a snappy video player interface. If you haven't seen it, the EAA homebuilders videos are at:

If you agree, you might contact them to see if they would like to host it.

Keep up the good work!