
Well Known Member
1. For those who are in the process of planning their panels, just a heads-up. If you intend to use the alternate air source on the filtered air box, don't forget to allow a spot for the control cable. It need not be particularly easy to reach, but probably should be placed somewhat away from the cabin heat cable since they look alike and may be easily confused if you are in a situation that requires the use of alternate air.
2. If you have not yet drilled your firewall for control cable penetrations, the measurements in the drawings work great if you use Van's suggestion of placing two snap bushings as the pass-through. However, if you plan to use eyeballs, plan ahead and space the holes farther apart.
Now I know why people build more than one RV. Oh, the lessons learned. :(
Not only is my alternate air control placed near the engine controls (and, thus, away from the cabin heat), it is also the red knob version. I put the cabin heat on the passenger side; I'm usually to busy having fun when flying to be cold.

Also, on the firewall, I totally ignored Van's suggestions. Routing for the AFP FI servo around my nosegear mount required a different approach. Much of the electrical stuff varied as well. I'd say don't make the openings any earlier than you have to and then follow Tony Bengilis' advice - start with the more critical things and route the less critical around them. So, before placing the prop, throttle, and mixture cables, I installed the engine, governor, exhaust, and batteries. Then I could see where the cables hod to go. After that, the baffling, the fuel and oil lines, and the starter, alternator, and cables. Next the ignition harness and finally all the sensor wires. I'm sure I've left something out but you get the idea.