mike newall

Well Known Member
Installing LED tip lights in our 8 but just wondering what guys are doing with regards to tilt angles ?

I feel that one needs to be angled for taxi and the other for landing/take off.

Any photos or suggestions gratefully received.


I lifted the tail of my 8 and put it on a box so it would be in the position it would be for a slightly tail low landing. I did this in the dark, of course. I aimed the lights slightly out from center and up slightly so the intense part of the beam would be about 75 feet in front of the airplane where it met the runway. I did not aim one high and one low. I can see just fine when I taxi and excellently when I land. Works great.

David Watson
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First, my lights are on different switches, so I can turn them on and off independently. (This can be done with a three way toggle switch, if desired.)

The left light taxi light was aimed straight out, maybe a little down, with the tail down. The right landing light was aimed straight out with the tail up.

That has worked out really well. The combination works really well when on final, in the flair, and on roll out.

Just remember to turn off the landing light while taxiing around or you will blind someone.