
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
As I mentioned in another thread, I had a failure of my Infinity Stick ?Coolie Hat? trim switch after close to a thousand hours of use. (Seeing as how I like to be in trim, I probably got my use out of the switch, given that it is a $16 part.) I picked up a new one at the Infinity booth at Oshkosh, and was given a good tip on assembling the grip on to the stick that worked well, and I thought I should share. For anyone that has struggled with the final assembly of the grip, you know that there are a huge number of wires in there, as well as a couple of switches (the coolie hat and PTT switches in a particular) that want to fall out of place as you put the two halves together. In addition, you have to position the little red trigger for the PTT at the same time. It takes just the right placement of tongue outside of mouth to get it all lines up, and then as you push it together, something falls out of place - too many balls in the air at once!

The tips I was given was to line up the wires so that they don?t get pinched between the screw bosses, and lay the two ?loose? switches in place, then bring the two halves together. Forget about the red trigger. Once the two halves are nested, put in the lower screws not-quite-snug, and the two mid-grip screws just barely started. Now you can carefully pull the top of the grip apart and that gives you just enough room to snap the red trigger in to place. Tighten up all the screws and you?re done! I remember how much trouble this thing was to assemble the first time - last night it took 30 seconds doing it this way. I still really like the Infinity, and having a trick to make it easier to work on makes it that much better.

That's the method I came up with after a long period of frustration trying to put the grip and all of the switches together. Finally figured, forget about the trigger switch, it can be slipped in easily later. Even with that trick, assembling the Infinity grip is still no picnic.